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Negley between Penn and Baum is dangerous

It has been for more than a month on the inbound side. I am so fed up with it. I have heard that they are going to do some pipe work on the outbound lane as well. has anyone seen any actual work being done lately though? It seems like pipes were put in and now it is just sitting there all torn up right where bikes should be riding. I hope that when all is said and done, it will all be paved. Sorry. Just had to share my frustration. I nearly ate shit this morning. Cars do not give you any room even at 5:30am when there is no opposing traffic.

2012-09-19 12:41:43

This board is sure of people sharing their frustration. At some point people need to realize we are never going to take over the roads and we are always going to encounter uneducated idiots. Negley is a crap road for the most part. I wouldn't ride it. Just go up to Stratford and take that, so you can relax and actually enjoy cycling.

2012-09-19 13:02:32

I agree with stef. I used to get off the bus at negley and penn now I wait until the bus gets to baum, I refuse to ride on it after doing it once.

2012-09-19 13:02:41

Yea I just jump up to Fairmount from Penn over to Friendship just to avoid that shit.

I'm starting to think I just need to start riding a Pugsley.

2012-09-19 13:29:58

In my opinion, Negley is to be avoided from Stanton Ave on.

@gg, sounds like you need a nap.

@Lou, I commuted with my Pugs for most of the summer, they are a blast. I'm getting Black Floyds for next summer.

2012-09-19 13:45:58

I've been taking Hampton out of M-side to Euclid, then the Circle to Centre (or, if I'm feeling leisurely, I take the ped bridge from East Side to Ellsworth). It adds a few minutes to my commute, but it seems worth it.

2012-09-19 13:55:32

Yeah I thought about going that way as well. Thanks.

2012-09-19 16:15:32

it sucks out that way ive been staying behind bikes with my bus in an attempt to keep other drivers away from them i had a guy today going nuts behind me but id rather he hit my bus than a cyclist

2012-09-22 02:40:29

if you guys see bus 479 its me but i dont start till 1pm its another driver in the morning

2012-09-22 02:41:51

@efuss, why do I need a nap? I am trying to educate people how to navigate the city safely. Stay off that part of Negley and take a different route. How much longer will it be for you? 30 seconds? Is that worth a nice ride compared to a crap shoot?

No nap needed. Best to listen to those of us that actually ride all over the city. In other words, yield to my expertise.

2012-09-22 04:59:42

@gg, every post here is in agreement that Negley is bad.

So why do you feel the need to educate? You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.

2012-09-22 12:33:29

^dude, I'd retract that post. Especially insensitive considering events of a few weeks ago.

2012-09-22 12:46:35

Agreed. gg's post was oddly dictatorial, but that's uncalled for. This is ridiculous.

2012-09-22 12:49:49

gg, what are you doing spouting violence on here? Don't do it again.

2012-09-22 14:13:31

To clarify, gg did not spout violence. I posted a quote from the movie Joe Dirt. It was meant to be humorous. Sorry if I offended anyone.

2012-09-22 14:29:26

Dammit, I've actually seen that movie! Sorry for not getting the joke. As you were.

2012-09-22 14:41:32

@bear250220, it's so cool knowing there's a bus driver out there looking out for people on bikes!

2012-09-22 15:39:25

Best to listen to those of us that actually ride all over the city.

Apparently, you do not know steph burch.

2012-09-23 00:15:11

@bear250220 Thanks so much for helping to keep us safe. Hopefully your comment wasn't lost amidst the noise on this thread.

2012-09-24 11:29:16

i ride this route all the time and last summer I took stratford on a whim, i've never ridden negley since, I didn't even know it was in bad shape. stratford avoids lights and traffic, crosses intersections at places with decent visibility, and is faster almost every time, there is no reason to take negley, penn circle and stratford are so much better!

2012-09-24 15:04:03

Yeah thanks. I have ridden a few miles around town. I was expressing my frustration over this road not being finished. Also, anyone else notice how seemingly stupid it was for blvd of the allies to be paved downtown only to have the intersections be torn up 3 months later? Hope everyone has properly inflated tires or you're getting a pinch flat of you don't pop your wheels up!

2012-09-25 00:29:39

@stefb, sorry for highjacking your thread

@gg, i didn't really mean to threaten you, hope you understood the joke.

@bear250220, thank you for watching out for us, we need more people like you on the roads

and to the community, after thinking a bit, it is painfully obvious to me how terrible my timing was with my stupid attempt at humor. i meant no offense.

2012-09-25 03:41:55