Does anyone know if there are any public places to wash a bike within the city? Sometimes my rides take me through mud and other debris that is best washed off with a hose before parking the bike.
My apartment does not have a hose. I've tried using the shower head in the bathtub but this is less than optimal and often just moves the mess from my bike to the walls of my bathroom. I don't want to use a car wash because the pressure is too high.
Many internet thanks in advance.
2017-06-21 13:36:03
It's private property, but most cemeteries have water connections so people can water flowers and such.
I imagine as long as you were discreet & respectful (i.e quick and not using a bucket & soap) you could at least wash off the bulk of the mud without upsetting anyone. The key would be to find a faucet that's tucked out of the way, like in a corner, where you wouldn't disturb others.
You could also try asking the groundkeeper if you could use their hose, say by a work-shed, since that would be more proper. Having baked goods with you could increase your chances of them saying 'yes'.
ETA: Is there a hose near the clubhouse of the golf club in Schenely park? If so, they might let you use it.
2017-06-21 14:16:09
Take me to the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me down
2017-06-21 15:55:12
2 gallon hand pump garden sprayer from home depot (or amazon) did the job for me for a few years when I didn't have an outside hose. It was about $30. One fill is enough for a good wash and rinse.
Now I take it with me sometimes when I'm going on a dirty mountain bike ride to clean my bike before I load it on my car.
Here's an amazon link for the one I got:
2017-06-21 16:03:02
@ Gerry Durishan - Thanks, now I have that song stuck in my head and will be listening to Talking Heads the rest of the day.
@ Benzo - I like this garden sprayer idea.
2017-06-21 16:21:50
2017-06-21 19:49:40