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New designation for Freeport Road in Aspinwall

Aspinwall boro council voted to designate Freeport Road in the boro a bike way.  Penndot owns Freeport but this vote makes Penndot have to consider bikes when making changes.  And given the Riverfront 47 project which will ever start next to the Riverfront Park maybe Freeport will become more bike friendly.   I hope Pittsburgh does the same for their stretch. This stretch is wide enough in parts to accommodate more than sharrows. The rest of Freeport in Aspinwall, Pittsburgh, and Blawnox is very narrow/hemmed in by businesses with shallow frontage.
2016-10-28 21:54:46
Specifically, Aspinwall Borough Council designated Freeport Rd through the borough. "Bicycle Corridor" by resolution. As noted, FR is a PADOT road. To date PADOT has been a good partner to the Borough. This resolution is a statement that the Borough prioritizes the safety of ALL users of Freeport Rd - pedestrians, mass-transit and cyclists, and not just motorists. The intention here is for the Borough to develop infrastructure improvements to improve safety for these users along the corridor, and then work with PADOT and funding sources to implement them. Although I hope bicycle infrastructure improvements will eventually be part of the program (particulalry once Millvale-Freeport connects), this really is about safety for all users. I have heard talk of reviving the bike-ped group formed under ARTEZ. Having the support and input via knowledgeable interest groups will be a huge asset.
2016-10-31 08:11:18