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New film The Trail about riding the GAP, free premiere

There's a free premiere of local author/playwright/photographer/etc Robert Isenberg's new film about biking the GAP on Thursday, August 30th 2012 at the New Hazlett Theater on the North Side. Double feature too.

More details and trailer

About this showing, and the other film in the double feature.

Here's his earlier, shorter, video about the Panhandle Trail.

2012-08-24 23:39:13


2012-08-25 13:48:49

Might have to go!

2012-08-25 19:51:55

Sounds great. I will be in on this. Anyone up for some riding after?

2012-08-26 05:46:07

That would be an awesome movie to watch if I wasn't riding the GAP to D.C. starting on the 30th LMFAO...

Too bad they couldn't show it the 29th instead!

Irony is the story of my life as always.

2012-08-29 17:59:47

So, there's a Stillers home game tomorrow, biking will def be the way to get to this, just watch out fer the asshats.

2012-08-29 18:22:15

Ahh! I missed this. I need a calendar

2012-08-31 16:44:25

I saw this last night and it was fabulous! In a way it made the GAP look harder than I think it really is, but it's very realistic. Especially when you're doing it in 60 mile/day chunks, that's a lot. I highly recommend seeing this, lots of fun and great interviews. Can VO or Friends screen this like they've shown movies in the past? (I'm thinking of the great divide one from a few years ago)

2012-08-31 17:59:52