welcome, is that an excavation pit in your avatar?
new girl in pittsburgh
hi friendly bikeriders!
my name is lolly and i just moved here a few weeks ago from dc. i ride a really really tiny bicycle, some of you may have seen it at the reverse keg ride. it's a seafoam green frame by c.itoh. i don't know the size of the frame but it uses some ridiculous 24 x 1 3/8 tires and weighs more than all of the pittsburgh steelers put together.
i'm mostly a commuting rider, except i don't have a job yet so nowhere to commute to. i like to ride really really really really slowly, just on the verge of falling over. i'm into urban planning/transformation, carfree cities, gardens, habaneros, sunflowers, tiny bicycles, and group bike rides.
let me know if you are interested in planning some themed group rides. especially ones that involve eating and drinking!
that picture appeared and took me by surprise! no, that's the area between the street and sidewalk by my house in dc. i dug it up to plant 4 sunflowers, 37 basil and 39 cilantro and 4 tomato plants.
does your bike say something like "tested finest bicycle mechanisms" on the side? if so i would like to take a picture of it... if not... bummer, sweet bike tho.
either way, WELCOME.
Hi lolly! I'm always up for group rides when I can.
spakbros, you are just all about hijacking threads and turning them to archeology, aren't you?
welcome lolly. eat at spak.
This is the only public message board I've ever been on where a message of "new girl in town" didn't devolve into a bunch of drooling idiots offering their hand.
Probably because any female coming on this board could potentially kick your ass on a bike, even a tiny one. Ha,ha.
(not you personally, in general)
I fear girls on bikes.
Well we do have bike porn
Anything we can do to encourage girls to propel themselves on bikes, the better. After all, Bikefest is a girl, and we do need to even out Pittsburgh's riding-by-gender count.
Welcome to Pittsburgh, lolly!
I'm curious. I have to google this one.
Oh God.
hello friendly bike lady! welcome to pittsburgh.
ah, hello everyone! thanks!
i'm out of town much of this month but maybe can plan some cold weather rides in oh ten. thoughts? ideas?
Cold weather rides? Start things off right...there's an Icycle Bicycle ride January 1st, starting at 11AM from REI in the South Side. Usually good attendance, regardless of weather...I think there were something like 200 cyclists last year.
are we going to be saying "Oh-ten?"
erok - only the provocative jerks
I prefer "twenty-aught-ten."
Well, there is a zero before the ten. The "two" is silent in 2010.
what did people say in 1910?
In 1910?
They said "I hope we don't have a big-ass war."
Seems to still be timely.
i was just talking the other day about how i was bummed out that 'aught nine' etc. didn't catch on while it had the chance, someone pointed out that maybe only people refer to the 00 decade as aught from the future, so there is still hope.
I cant wait to say eleventy .
The "two" is silent in 2010.
Reminds me of this Tom Lehrer quote: "I am reminded at this point of a fellow I used to know whose name was Henry, only to give you an idea of what an individualist he was, he spelled it 'HEN3RY'. The 3 was silent, you see."
mark: Be the change you want to see in the world.
I've been using aught left and right, even when it's not appropriate (e.g. when I said twenty-aught-ten earlier).
I prefer "twenty-aught-ten."
FWIW, this was from the Bike-Pgh blog. Were y'uns thinking about this thread when you posted it?
New Year’s Day: January 1st, 20010 11 AM
REI in the Southside Works
And, btw, it was a wonderful ride! 88 riders, I think I heard the guy with the clipboard say.
In 1910 they said "nineteen ten". In 2010 we say "twenty ten".