MTB or road?
New skewers
I recently picked up a new wheelset and the new skewers that came with them will not stay closed. Mostly on the front wheel but I have to keep stopping to tighten both of them on longer rides.
Any suggestions?
Road bike, the wheels are Easton EA50's
A drop of oil on the cam might help you be able to close it tighter.
If you want to replace the skewers, Shimano ones work better than any others I've used.
try the drop of oil, and it may be worth the 10 minutes to shoot them an email and ask for replacements.
shimano or campy skewers. end of story.
Hummm...I’m sure that I’m putting them on tight. I’ll try the drop of oil and if they keep coming loose I’ll send Easton an email. I never considered the fact that both the new skewers could be defective.
Do the Easton skewers have a depth stop adjustment on the acorn nut?
I had a front skewer a few years back (do not recall brand, but certainly wasn't Shimano) where there was a 3mm hex socket screw in the end of the acorn moving the screw out a turn or so, I could thread the QR rod deeper into the acorn nut. Was enough to make a marginally tight QR into a good, solidly engaging one.
Can't find a good explanatory image after cursory Googling, sorry.
[ETA:] Of course, if the rod isn't bottoming out in the acorn nut, this likely won't help.
On a related note, my rear wheel has a tendency to want to slide around the dropouts resulting in tire rub on the chainstays and I'm pressing down on the skewers pretty damn hard
The skewers do seem kind of crappy, think they could be to blame? (It is a $35 wheel...)
most skewers have a plastic cam behind the lever that wears out over time and/or slips. this is the main point of failure for pretty much any skewer issue.
I took these skewers apart and sprayed everything with auto part brake cleaner. I think this fixed the problem.