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NEW Stop sign on boundary.

So it is at the intersection with Filmore I believe. I was going down the hill. Didn't see if there was an "except bicycles" going up the hill, but that will kill momentum for those climbing. I take the garage thru CMU usually.

2012-08-15 22:29:24

So is the sign for both those coming down and up? If for down, I'll take responsibility for getting that one getting put up. Someone important must have saw me wipe out coming down it Sunday, hitting the gravel after the tracks,crashing and dislocating my elbow!

2012-08-16 01:08:36


2012-08-16 01:38:35

It's both ways. I ignored it both ways, that's a crappy place for a sign.

2012-08-16 03:34:01

I think it is meant to slow down vehicular traffic.

2012-08-16 03:53:40

That's a terrible intersection for the people who use Filmore to get onto Neville/Boundary. A friend used to live there, it was a leap of faith everytime pulling into traffic because the sight lines are terrible.

2012-08-16 04:11:15

That sign caught me off guard last night. That section of hill is critical for getting up to the speed of traffic for me. I wasn't a fan of stopping & starting over with cars behind me. I imagine there will now be more cars anxious to pass in both directions on Boundary.

2012-08-16 12:36:22


What are you doing to yourself ?!?

2012-08-16 12:42:45

That's actually South Neville. I once lived in the house at 314 S Neville, on the corner with Filmore, when I first came to Pittsburgh.

Speed control stop signs are more an annoyance than a help IMHO, often ignored by cyclists and motorists alike. If the sign got put there due to Lou's wipeout, the problem is the gravel, not the corner. Cyclists also wipe out on the tracks for similar reasons, and the stop sign isn't going to help that, either.

2012-08-16 16:36:17

Cars go so fast through there, if this causes them to slow down even just a little I am all for it.

2012-08-16 18:20:58

I wonder if something like this could be planned installed, similar to the train bridge that was removed.

2012-08-16 20:05:53

I want that. All over the place!

2012-08-16 20:08:34

Note the bike lane there, too.

2012-08-16 20:23:44

I love this! Where is it?

A lot could be done with the little green spaces, too.

2012-08-16 20:31:28

I suspect the gaps are intended to let rainwater through, not be bike lanes. Of course cyclists might use them anyway when they're clear enough of junk.

2012-08-16 21:17:04

Those chicane type arrangements are all over the place in the Netherlands. Shocking, I know.

2012-08-16 21:31:29

No, I meant the 8-foot-wide paved ways along the far edges, on both sides. Much too wide for a regular sidewalk.

2012-08-16 22:40:00

actually i think those are just big sidewalks.

i want this all over, too.

2012-08-16 22:57:46

Widening the gutters to make it a real bike lane would be easy and awesome.

2012-08-17 13:21:09

I'm only guessing, but those signs were probably put there because that section of the road is trafficked extremely heavily by pedestrians who are walking down Neville/Boundary to get into the CIC parking garage to cut through to CMU. There's no sidewalk, so they're basically walking along the berm of the road. People fly through there all the time (both in cars and on bikes), and the visibility is terrible. I don't actually know if any pedestrians have been hurt there, but with the number of people walking that route in the mornings I'd be surprised if there haven't been incidents.

I drive (and ride) there all the time. The stop sign is inconvenient, but on balance it's a good idea. A better idea would be for there to be a damn sidewalk, but absent that, please don't ignore that stop sign, whether you're on a car or a bike. You'll hurt someone.

2012-08-24 04:27:08

I wish there was a stop sign where the one lane underpass used to be.

2012-08-24 09:25:16

While I agree that stop sign is a good idea for cars and bikes going down, and for cars going up, I would remove stop (is it possible to add small white rectangular with "Except for Bicycles"?) for bikes going up. For most bicyclist there speed is around 6-8 mph. Very few can get to 12 mph. Even fewer higher.

2012-08-24 11:12:13

yeah, uphill i ignore it unless ignoring it would be worse than stopping. if im not turning into cmu im not all about starting from 0 in the middle of that hill.

2012-08-24 17:03:08

Is the uphill stop sign necessary for any mode of travel? Or was this a oh-we're-adding-a-sign-this-way-so-we-always-have-to-add-one-the-other-way-at-the-same-time sort of thing?

2012-08-24 17:21:20

Stu,if you only use one then the planet develops a wobble. Sheesh!

2012-08-24 19:06:28

I was also surprised to see this set of signs pop up, and equally dismayed at the uphill stop sign. As others have said, I'm happy to yield/stop for traffic on my way downhill as I generally slow down a bit for the track anyways, but I'm resistant to stop on the uphill.

This, I feel, will just create more antsy drivers at my back as I climb Neville and, for them, justify any frustrations they have with me being in their way.

2012-08-25 00:16:55

With a stop sign on hill like that, I let any drivers denind me pass before starting again.

A driver behind you is a murderous enemy. A driver in front of you is your friend. I like having friends.

2012-08-28 16:51:10

There's a pretty good reason for that stop sign uphill for auto traffic. A lot of cars park on that street, which screws with visibility. If you're turning left onto Boundary/Neville from Henry or Winthrop, it's often tough to see cars coming up the hill through the parked cars.

I doubt I will pay it any mind next time I'm biking up that sucker. I figure that if I ride through a stop sign as slowly as most drivers roll through them, I'm doing enough.

2012-08-28 17:04:06

There's a pretty good reason for that stop sign uphill for auto traffic. A lot of cars park on that street, which screws with visibility. If you're turning left onto Boundary/Neville from Henry or Winthrop, it's often tough to see cars coming up the hill through the parked cars.


All those cross streets are bad. I've probably been nearly t-boned at almost all of them. The last one (Filmore) is clearly the worst though.

2012-08-28 19:03:36