I think its fantastic that bicycling and motorcycling organizations are apparently working together on that.
I rode TOSRV in 2007 and a major throng of bicyclists were at a convenience store at about 90-ish miles. There was a tremendous roar and a club motorcycle ride, about 75 motorcycles, pulled in for fuel and drinks.
It was a funny moment. Bicyclists, Motorcyclists, Bicyclists, Motorcyclists, kind of two groups staring at each other.
I went over to one of the apparent alpha-cyclists and said, I got just one question for you.
He answered, Oh yeah, what's that?
I asked, Which one of our groups is dressed funnier? Because I just can't decide.
Big laughter from the motorcycle club, "hail fellow well met" all around. Turns out their MC, which is Ohio's oldest, started out as a bicycle club back in the day.

There's a lot of commonality in bicycle-motorcycle issues. Visibility, safety, and being perceived as legit vehicles by the "normal" people. It's a mutually beneficial alliance.

They're into equipment, rides, trips, weather, panniers, gloves, and sore butts just like we are. They've even got the same tendency to have helmet debates. They're out there having fun and trying to stay safe just like we are.