thanks. maybe they lead to the secret tunnels under oakland?
Oakland -Meyran Ave
Hey all, just so y'all know, the water leak onto Meyran Ave in Oakland has been flowing pretty steadily over the last couple days. Today, two deadly-sized potholes appeared. Seriously, if you fall in, you might never be seen again.... These potholes are in the middle of the street, and full of water, therefore hard to see at night. Avoid Meyran Ave by travelling down either Oakland Ave or McKee Place (two blocks in either direction). I'll try to snap a picture soon.
we can only hope.....
i made the mistake of riding down that slalom last night... whee
"we" did Noah. Good thing there was some salt was more like a slush fest than a slalom...
hey tricia if you want to claim part of that reckless act... be my guest
Has anyone called 311 on this?
have any of you folks recently been in the tunnels under oakland? I have not been there since the early 80s... Any hints on entrances?
Somebody pm me the entrance points as well