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Oakland neighborhood looking to start bike/ped committee

Hey all- The Oakland neighborhood group is beginning to look at pushing the bike elements in their Oakland 2025 Plan. The Oakland Planning and Development Corporation currently runs a monthly "Green Team" committee, and they are interested in pursuing some of the great bike initiatives outlined in their Oakland 2025 plan. They're looking to build this with community help, especially if you live, work, or frequent the neighborhood. Hope that you can come and check it out and help change Oakland for the better. We're not really sure what this will lead to yet, but getting a community conversation going about this stuff will be a first for this key neighborhood. Below is the info for the Green Team committee, and I hope you are interested in seeing where this can lead. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or call. Eric Boerer BikePGH Advocacy Director 412-325-4334 PS: Please forward this along to anyone who might be interested, especially if they live or work in Oakland. Green Team Next meeting: Thursday, March 20th from 6:00-7:15PM at the Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Info about the Green Team: Check out the exciting Oakland 2025 plan:
2014-03-18 09:18:20
I'll be there - but I'm so committed to other stuff I might do the seagull thing: fly in, mess things up, fly away.
2014-03-18 10:33:46
I may stop by and see what's going on in the neighborhood. What's the current level of collaboration between OPDC and BikePgh?
2014-03-18 10:58:02
Well, we've attended and got the word out about their Oakland2025 meetings. We've been working with them to try to start a committee to focus on the bike parts of their plan, and this is the beginning of that. They really seem like they want to push harder for this stuff, and are looking to engage the community to help. We know the staff, several are members, but in short, this is the beginning of a closer collaboration
2014-03-18 16:18:39