i know it's "another Oakland meeting" but this one is real important.
Oakland Planning Meeting: Thursday March 24
I thought there was a thread about this, but i guess not.
Anyway, the neighborhood of Oakland is going thru a big huge planning process to help set the vision of a future Oakland. Because the City is going thru it's first Comprehensive Plan, many of the 'hoods and institutions also have to do this, creating a kind of once in a lifetime opportunity.
They have stated that they are interested in pursuing bike-friendly changes, but we need to make sure that there is vocal support, meaning bodies need to show up to the upcoming meeting (and the ones that follow).
If bikes don't make the plan, they won't plan for bikes.
Anyway, if you live, work, travel thru, study or just care about Oakland, you are invited.
* Thursday, March 24
* 6:00m – 8:30 PM
* St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral
* 419 Dithridge St
* Pittsburgh, PA 15213
More info here:
here's an article in the PG about the meeting tonite
Hope to see everyone there!
How did it go?