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Oakland to Homestead

So I live at 5th and Neville and I need to get to Homestead some weekday afternoons and evenings. Any suggestions? Brownsville Road is obviously unpleasant; I know about going along the tracks to the Sandcastle lot. Any other options or is that the best?

2009-09-29 22:01:51

taking 2nd ave to the glenwood bridge is your next best bet to just walking the tracks... go through the park like you're going to go to the jailtrail, then when you get to the big ugly intersection don't go under the bridge, turn left (not hard left up the hill) follow that all the way to the bridge and cross it. you can then go through west homestead or loop under to the sandcastle parking lot if its open (the overpass you go under right before you get to the sandcastle lot when walking the tracks is the glenwood bridge)


2009-09-29 22:11:01

I would go down the Junction Hollow trail. Then I'd go on 2nd Ave/Irvine and over the Glenwood Bridge.

So far, that is very fast and smooth.

BUT it leaves you with a mile or so of unpleasent 837 to Homestead.

You might be able to just ride into the Sandcastle parking lot from somewhere near the bridge, I don't know.


2009-09-29 22:12:05

How bad is taking the Glenwood Bridge and that interchange, then 837, all around rush hour? It at least looks like it might be bad.

2009-09-29 22:55:38

if the sandcastle parking lot is open, you can easily get to it, best way to figure out this route is take the s.side trail on the way there, walk the tracks, and when you get to the sandcastle parking lot turn right across the tracks instead of left into the lot, that way you know the way coming back.

837 is not fun, neither is the interchange... actually that interchange is one of the more weird places in the pgh road system, and thats saying a lot

2009-09-30 00:39:01

i've gone to the waterfront along 837, along the tracks, and along browns hill road. personally, i prefer going down browns hill. i go through that intersection somewhat frequently (riding greenfield ave to beechwood and all the way around back to shadyside is my idea of a nice ride), and once you get going down the hill, you can coast at an easy 30, and i can't recall a car even passing me each time i've done it (usually mid-morning).

the way back, i would certainly stay off the road, though. i didn't really dig walking the tracks in mountain bike shoes, so i just biked up the sidewalk on browns hill to that little back road that goes behind wendy's to beechwood.

2009-09-30 19:48:03