sooo, anyone who wants to put an event together, pool ride, etc, can now use this handy dandy webform to submit their event
If you don't know what BikeFest is, it's time to find out. Now in it's 6th year (!) it's basically a 10 day fest organized by cyclists for cyclists that we put together. not going to give the full description here, that's available at
August 6-15th
The super fun kickoff party will be Friday Aug 6 at the Pittsburgh Opera in the strip district
anyway, start thinking of fun events to host. We'll be scheduling some events on the leadup to encourage you, the cycling community, to get some fun events organized.
here's the callout/hype up blog post.
we'll have a nice webform up soon that you can submit your events
feel free to throw around some ideas/brainstorm and ask any questions in this thread
get stoked!
sooo, anyone who wants to put an event together, pool ride, etc, can now use this handy dandy webform to submit their event
I just submitted the Midnight Mass ride and Flock All Night.
Flock All Night will be a special "light show" ride for Bike Fest
can i say that Flock All Night is one of the best named rides ever
Is it possible to see a list of already-scheduled events? If (_if) I do something, I don't want to clobber over an existing event.
working on it. it will be up soon
check out the bikefest brainstorming session and movie night!
Maybe this thread should be sticky - keep it at the forefront.
+1 Flock All Night!
I think pool ride will be sunday 8/8. Because I am leisurely, it will be leisurely. So despite people who really want to climb troy hill to go to the spray park, I'm not necessarily going to write that into the plan...... but there can be a spray park or climbing split off faction, for sure.
Does Mt Yinzmore, the rope swing under the 31st St Bridge, still exist?
yeah it does! i was considering adding that as an option if it hasnt rained close to the ride....
You can check the status of raw sewage in the river here.
The current river water status is "yellow". Boy, that makes me want to go for a dip.
Caitlin, I enjoyed this line a lot: "Because I am leisurely, it will be leisurely."
Some inspiration for Bikefest, this was too awesome not to post up - bike jousting;
i was thinking a river fun ride would be awesome, but it would have to be canceled if it were a yellow... possible locations of interest:
barge near 50th&allegheny, cement circle/weird tree fort near 46th& allegheny, rope swing (30th and allegheny, northside), the tug boat (20th and allegheny, northside), pnc fountain... i know nothing about the river on the southside until the abandoned barges at like the end of the trail but I don't know if we'll even be able to get to those because of the trail construction.
also! most of these things are probably kind of illegal? i don't really know what the law is about things on the river... does that make it not bikefest friendly?
ride at your own risk
Could you tell me more on these abandoned barges?
(i will tell you anything you want to know actually... but what do you want to know?)
I see tons of these things abandoned things when I go out kayaking. Never jumped out the boat to play though.
did you ever check out the tunnel?
No. Where is the tunnel?
hm... i wanna say like 28th on the strip side of the allegheny... i haven't been into it for two years though so i forget... its easy to find if you are looking for it though... i was speculating with someone who kayaks that it was the cause of the giant sinkhole on smallman this winter, but i guess that wasn't you!
Hah, I'll look for it next time I go out. I have a kayak pgh season pass and they gave me some coupons to bring friends along if you want to pick a nice saturday or sunday and go look for it with me. I think the coupons are good for an all-day rental.
I've got a season pass too (that I need to start getting my money's worth out of), looking for the tunnel sounds like fun...
I'm just looking for places to explore/photograph of the abandoned nature..I heard abandoned boats and got excited.
It is completely legal to swim in the rivers. I have researched this for open water practice I coordinate with the Pgh Tri Club. The only real issue is the sewer overflow which happens more often than one might think.
The idea of swimming in water that I can't see into completely freaks me out. I'm a good swimmer, but the thought of my feet touching something in the water that I can't see sends a wall of cold irrational fear right through me, weird.
i went out and explored an abandoned boat on the north shore trail just yesterday (between 16th and 31st st. bridge, closer to 16th). it is pretty neat. the boat is on its side. you climb up the tree to the left of the boat to get to the top and get this view of the city:
but for the record, i don't recommend attempting this in ballet flats and a dress.
ya, that is one of them, for photographs I think the barge on the southside is probably more interesting though... the tug boat is at the intersection of where 20th street meets the allegheny on the northside side, basically directly across from the cork factory lofts ( )
here is the barge:
Salt, does your family know you climb around on abandoned boats? Ha, ha!
tell your mom that's how you scraped up your knee next time!
I can't make the brainstorm tonight, but this talk of abandonned boats and tunnels makes me think that a "That Used To Be There" ride would be neat - tour the (in)famous landmarks that aren't there anymore. Forbes Field, Syria Mosque... ok, I'm drawing a blank on any others. But since most Pittsburgh directions include "turn at the X that's not there anymore", it's a very Burgh thing.
Wow, Bing Maps is NICE!
I am absolutely for sure down for a ride with new people telling me stories of what used to be here and there..And any exploring in tunnels,boats,etc. i am absolutely down for.
A ride that revolves around seeing things that aren't there anymore sounds like a blast in a semi-demented sort of way. Are there special 3D type glasses that go with this?
...things that aren't there anymore
Someone call Rick Sebak @ QED. I don't think he's an avid biker, though. However, he would be the guy to narrate the trip. From the stoker position on a tandem, maybe?
Frank Toker at Pitt, maybe? He's written two great books on Pittsburgh, has ridden to DC and - I think - still teaches the Pittsburgh History class at Pitt. My favorite anecdote of the Frick Building is from him.
...things that aren't there anymore
you could do a whole ride of just east liberty or the northside.
Ok, I'd do the leg work of making a ghost landmarks ride happen (hopefully with intelligable narrator/guide other than me), but I've been on exactly one group ride (coincidentally the only planned ride I've ever been on that wasn't a commute or errand). I look forward to going on many more as soon as possible. However I truly wouldn't know what I'm doing. This has never stopped me from doing anything in the past, but perhaps I could team up with a veteran trip planner who can keep me from running afoul of police, locals, and cyclists?
Another ride that really appealed to me from that board that lolly posted was something like a Random Ride. Everyone meets up, rolls one die for number of blocks, one die for turn direction (even=right, etc). I could completely plan that one independently.
Here are some of the ideas that were tossed around last night. Most of these ideas are available for anyone to use. If you are interested in planning one, PLEASE please feel free / encouraged / empowered to take it and .. ride with it.
Feel free to look to other cities for inspiration. Feel free to copy anyone. The more events with more variety, the bigger and more fun Bikefest will be for everyone.
01. I made it market: Bicycle themed artists. Possibly combined with a bike swap.
02. Disposable Film Festival ending at Leslie Park Pool. Possibly combined with a pool ride. (Caitlin want to talk to Nina about this?)
03. Scavenger Hunt (planning by Alexis)
04. 12 Bridges, 3 Rivers, 21 miles (planning by Dan, Team Decaf
05. Snake Eye's Casual Sliver (on the calendar)
06. Zoom by the Tombs: a bike tour of multiple cemeteries (Team Decaf Weekend)
07. Allegheny Cemetery history / architecture bike tour (Bikeygirl / Lucia)
08. Mural Ride
09. Midnight Ridazz. look to LA for inspiration. This ride is open for anyone to organize.
10. Wolfpack (another LA style ride) "Distances range in length from 25-50 miles. We climb walls we break into shit we scuttle through hoods like rats on the run. The pack rolls as a group, there are no winners there are no losers. Understand: This is not a race. This is a HUSTLE".
11. Stuffed Animal Ride
12. Blade Runner Ride (another LA ride, goes to all places where blade runner was filmed). This can work for any movie filmed in Pittsburgh. Wonder Boys, anyone?
13. Flashdance ride. Someone please please please plan this ride.
14. Pittsburgh landmark ride
15. Alternative History
16. Women's Mountain Bike 101 (Eryn Hughes)
17. Kids Bike Rodeo
18. Farm Ride
19. Farmer's market Ride
20. Ride to Cinema in the Park. Dress like Michael Jackson for This is it. Get out that white glove.
21. Skirt Ride
22. Women's Polo Workshop
23. Vintage Bicycle Show
24. Underground Railroad Tour
25. Wastewater Tour
26. My first Alleycat for Kids
27. Coffee shop / Espresso tour
28. Cupcake ride.
29. Bridesmaid dress ride (or other fancy outfits)
These are what we came up with last night. It was lovely throwing ideas out in person and building off other people's thoughts.
The best part about Bikefest is that it's completely democratic and anyone can take charge and plan any kind of ride that interests them. It's a great way to meet new people and show people your favorite parts of Pittsburgh.
i'd be interested in participating in the bridesmaid dress ride. ihave a few and i would even wear a wedding dress.
these are all good ideas. my work schedule kind of prohibits me from making any kind of commitment to organizing rides though. it's very unpredictable.
I love this one:
26. My first Alleycat for Kids
Not sure what age range you have in mind but my 11 y. o. is getting into cycling lately and I'd love to have him do something like this.
sarah q
Would you be interested in working with some other biking moms to put this together? It'd be great to have plenty of rides for kids, but best if they come from people who are kids or have kids.
Someone suggested naming that one the alleykitten.
i LOVE the idea of a "i made it market" I make all sorts of neat things and would love to see what other bikers make.
I also really like the brides maid dress ride. I'm getting married in a few weeks and would also be willing to ride in my wedding dress before it get preserved.
I can contact Carrie of i made it about the market, perhaps.
Also what was meant by disposable film fest and leslie pool? If you have nina;s contact, just give her my email: caitlinenaATgmailDOTcom.
still wanna do pool tour, so count on that, if this other ride fits in, cool, but if not, we can do both! bikefest is awesome because there are always so many different activities.
is anyone doing that icecream alley cat this year? i loved that.
wow. i don't even know what flashdance ride means, but if huge '80s hair and legwarmers are a prerequisite, then consider me qualified for the ride. Honestly though, what does such a thing entail? didn't make the meeting, but i'm curious!
would anyone else be up for a fender decorating party?
@ edmonds, re: my fam... some activities are best left un-broadcasted...
@bikelove, congrats!
@lolly, I will help w the kids Alleycat (love Alleykitten!) if I can. We are out of town for most of BikeFest sadly.
Regarding the bike rodeo/alley kitten--this sounds like the perfect event to coordinate with both the Major Taylor club and the new Performance shop. I'd be glad to get the ball rolling if someone can pass along contact info for those groups...
Flashdance was filmed in Pgh in '82. I remember the opening scene of Jennifer Beals cycling across the Smithfield Street Bridge. Being before the 1985 opening of the T, you will see a lot of trolley tracks in the street, and an occasional trolley on the street.
It's been a while since I saw it, but I think I could identify many of the filming sites as they appeared back then. I know the house of the old woman is still standing, on S. 21st.
On another suggestion, not on the list from last night, I remember suggesting a Steps Of Pittsburgh tour, by bike, sometime last year. I did some research on this and have some ideas, basically a very strenuous couple of big climbs, and an easier route of several little climbs.
btw, the rough draft of what we got on the calendar is up now
The Flashdance ride would also be a good reason to ride to Monroeville.
Now that I think about Monroevile... a suburban Dawn of the Dead zombie ride would be cool.
I still want to do the Scraper Bike Clinic. Rachel are you interested in doing this at Free Ride?
@ndromb, not exactly Mrv, it was actually the then-recently-closed Westinghouse turbine factory in East Pittsburgh. Almost 30 years later, the place is in ruins, still, at least as seen from the railroad tracks side. "Mawby's Bar", though, is not significantly different in appearance from the Hollywood Show Bar, on Electric Avenue, and probably a dozen other dive taverns nearby.
Flock All Night, hit IHOP/Eat-n-Park, then do a Dawn of The Dead ride at, of course, dawn: we won't even need makeup to resemble the Riders of the Zombocalypse.
@Stu, Doesn't she audition at the old ice rink that was in Monroville Mall?
Zombie ride around Monroeville would surely get some attention.
Why not a zombie ride in city?
+1 zombie ride!
def up for a flash dance and a zombie ride!
Flock of Michaels to the free outdoor screening of Micheal Jackson's "This is it" in Schenley Park, sun Aug 15?
what about the flash dance going to a bunch of places in the movie and hopping off our bikes at various locations and having something like a flash dance flash mob and dance like crazy for 30 sec-minute and then hop back on bikes and continue and then end somewhere to watch the movie together.
btw, here's the facebook page - invite your friends!
Sara_q, bjanaszek, and whoever else:
I'm the one who thought of the "My first Alleycat" ride for kids, and while talking to Eryn from Velomuse and Cheryl at the meeting, we were thinking of having 2-categories for the alleycat, one for the young ones, like 4yrs-9yrs, and another for older fiends 10yrs-14yrs. That way the 'difficulty' level and appeal is there for all ages.
I was thinking that an open area, like Schenley Plaza, would work for this.... something were kids don't have to cross any streets, but it could be somewhere else too.
Anyhow, I'm trying to set some things in paper. I've never organized a ride, nor an alleycat, nor I have kids.... but, I think it would be a fun idea!
If anyone is interested in helping me out, send me a PM so we can get together and brainstorm more!! I have some friends with young kids who I'll be pestering for ideas, but if you are a parent or sibling of a 'young one', please join at least in the discussion!
They have signs at Schenley Plaza that say you must not ride your bike in the Plaza, and I've seen the security guard there tell people the same. Might not be the best idea to host a bike event there unless you clear it with the parks people first.
Could do jail trail alleycat? Not sure if Schenley Plaza is big enough?
i now need to see flashdance.
I have flashdance on DVD to loan. I think the flashdance ride is a necessity.
@sarah_q & dwillen: Wow... good points. I didn't know that Schenley Plaza had that.
Jail trail would be doable, but knowing parents, a more contained-area would be preferred. I also thought about having this close to the Children's Museum, and for that use the Allegheny Commons -West Park. That way it can maybe attract more people, and maybe have a flyer at the Children's Museum.
And about dates, most definitely a weekend.
I'm also helping out on the Cemetery Ride with DanO, so I need to make sure that there is no overlapping in there.
Sarah_q -I'll be in contact with you soon!
I think the flashdance ride is a necessity.
I'm particularly interested in such things as how Jennifer Beale could take her bike to the top of the incline - then ride on off to Troy Hill...
I'm particularly interested in such things as how Jennifer Beale could take her bike to the top of the incline - then ride on off to Troy Hill...
In the theatrical release, they cut the scene with the zip line. The really, really long zip line.
Look for the 3-hour director's cut, you'll see it.
I don't get online as much as I used to, so sorry if I just missed it, but did anyone figure anything out for the odd bike ride thing? Where we can bring different kinds of bikes down for people to check out and maybe even test ride?
I don't get online as much as I used to, so sorry if I just missed it, but did anyone figure anything out for the odd bike ride thing? Where we can bring different kinds of bikes down for people to check out and maybe even test ride?
'Twas me. I'm struggling with family and work crapola right now, so am not sure if I'm going to have time to organize this or not.
Of course, if I sit on the fence long enough, the problem solves itself.
I have two small (18") unicycles in ridable condition, but all three of the 24" need repairs. The 18s are about the right size for a 7-10yo child. At 5'8", I can barely ride these babies.
If I can get at least one of the 24s in good working order, I can help out with this project. But any time I put into machinery takes away from helping organize.
I am currently unemployed and wanting to give my time to working on projects. These are the ones I am interested in organizing or have been thinking about and I would love to help others who want to take the lead as well. Please let me know if you would like to work together!
'What used to be/abandoned things' ride: yay! I have been thinking about this and would be interested in helping with the planning. I have been doing some exploring to find abandoned things, and also been trying to figure out how to do the research part- but it seems hard to track down info, finding a knowledgable person would definately help.
Bridesmade dress ride: I don't have a bridesmade dress. But what would yinz think about ugly dress up ride or something of the sort where you just where fancy clothes that you have that are horrible and tacky for one reason or another. There was talk of this leading to a dance party in your fancy clothes... could this happen?
Alternative history ride:
I am interested in planning/coordinating this, Erok- you are said to have done this before? Could I get the information about this from you and use the info you have and maybe adding some things?
Flashdance ride: Lolly, I really like 30 second dance party's! Could we watch the movie after? I admittedly have never seen it...
Local Foods Bike Ride: I went to this maybe 2 bike fests ago, and it still remains one of my favorite pittsburgh memories. Seeing braddock community garden for the first time was pretty magical. Anyone have knowledge or interested in something like this?
I would just like to throw it out there...
Naked bike ride, could it happen?? Someone suggested a low key organizing one on the eliza furnace trail or other slightly out of the way trail?
otherwise here is my email if you want to organize together:
@ cheryl: Regarding your "Alternative History' ride. I did an art installation a few years back where I collected about 30 locations with images of buildings/sites that had been demolished, and some that still remained. I have both the list and images and a map of them if you want to use it.
Ok, in the interests of not screwing around/being(more of)a jagoff, I'm going to officially say that I am NOT organizing the odd bikes tryout. My apologies, but I simply have too much crap going on right now.
If anyone else wants to go with it, you've got my blessing, and whatever limited support I can provide.
telling you all right now that that pinball ride happening the morn of Saturday August the 14th is going to be something magical. make a note of it.
telling you all right now that that pinball ride happening the morn of Saturday August the 14th is going to be something magical.
The deaf shall hear, the blind shall see, and the mute shall speak?
For the Bike Rodeo / Alley Kitten Ride: How about Herr's island?
It is flat, it has some nice safe trails for older kids to ride, and parking / courts contain areas for young-ones to have fun.
Herr's Island is a good idea.
Pinball ride?!!!! Where's the info on this! Definitely down for this ride!
check out august 14 here:
I highly recommend the pinball ride. That place is only open like 4 days a year.
I'm thinking of planning the Farmers Market Ride- anyone else want to help? It might also be cool to stop and check out some urban gardens. If you have ideas or want to help, let me know.
@Tabby That sounds super cool. I know a few people with awesome gardens (and urban chickens!). They have fantastic community gardens in Hazelwood as well and the guy that runs those would be happy to talk to us. If you plan it for a day I'm in town I'll help with whatever you need.
yay dwillen! I'll PM you and we'll plan it for when you're in town.
Anyone peep the I Made It Market BikeFest Edition + Bike Swap? It's on August 7th from noon to 5pm at the Leslie Pool in Lawrenceville. If you wanna peddle your wares get in touch with Nina Barbuto:
i'm going to be gone for both weekends of bikefest, but if someone wants to do the ride i was going to do please do, i can ride it with you beforehand if you don't know where the places are:
starts under 16th street bridge (or wherever you want) around 6, ride to the abandoned tugboat, hang out, drink a beer or something, ride to the abandoned barges on the southside trail, all on trails... should be about 8-10 miles? I think it would be fun, you hang out by the river, all on trails, maybe see something new... lemme know if you're interested.
you have to do it on the weekend because the southside trail is closed during the week where the barge is up there.
Is that tugboat of which you speak the one on the Allegheny that's on its side?
Also you've made me think of a great idea: bike Beer In A Place. Hmmm...
For those interested in the children-youth Bikefest event, we are tentatively going for August 14th (pending City-permit approval), for Frick Park.
Velomuse Youth Bike Rodeo/Mini-AlleyKitty and MTB Ride
Sat, August 14, 12pm – 4pm
Velomuse is bringing a bicycle rodeo to another urban park (pending permit) this year, complete with small obstacles and a small selection of bikes to borrow; 5-10 year old kids learn new skills, practice balance and safe handling skills in a fun 'mini-alleykitty' scavenger hunt style, while 11-18 year old youth will go on a short, fun mountain bike ride. This is a fun way to exercise, and we will have bicycle certified coaches, and first aid trained staff on hand to ensure safety. Velomuse is a self-propelled organization dedicated to creating lifelong cyclists by reaching out to new cyclists, especially women and youth in the community; and to coordinate with various non-profits to provide new opportunities.
Hope to see you there!
And if you would like to help, specially on the 5-10 mini-alleycat part, let me know!
Just finalized the details for the followup to the tweed ride…
Second Sunday Seersucker Saunter Spectacular
The 2010 Pittsburgh Seersucker Saunter will begin in Schenley Park at 9:30 AM, Sunday, August 8th. From there, we shall take a leisurely ride, wearing appropriate summer regalia, through some of the city’s summer scenery. Upon our arrival at the Priory Hotel, light refreshments will be served to allow for rejuvenation before further BikeFest activities are attended.
"appropriate summer regalia"
also---no mural rides this year? I just saw that there are 3 with venture outdoors...
although the mural rides with VO seem to be coordinated by sprout and have the artists at each of them. so, cool.
some flyers:
There is an Addams Family setup at Thick Bikes, and a Whitewater at Iron City Bikes. 50cents a game, all coins collected go to BikePGH.
who must we speak to have one of the following movies shown?
-american flyers
-hell on wheels
-stars and watercarriers
-1994 paris roubaix
-la course en tete
-a sunday in hell
the great muppet caper is to cycling like die hard is to christmas.
hey steve, try here
That was fun! Thanks everyone for coming to the BikeFest Party!
It's coming this saturday August 14th!
Pass the word!
More information at :
Or at:
Of if you want to Facebook it! :
Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind event on Saturday, August 14
As part of BikeFest 2010, we are excited to announce that David Herlihy, author of The Lost Cyclist, a book the New York Times says is “a view from the helmet cam in the days before helmet cams.” Cyclists and historians alike will enjoy this incredible turn-of-the-century story about a Pittsburgher named Frank Lenz, a renowned high-wheel racer and long-distance tourist who dreamed of cycling around the world. He finally got his chance by recasting himself as a champion of the downsized “safety-bicycle” with inflatable tires, the forerunner of the modern road bike that was about to become wildly popular. In the spring of 1892 he quit his accounting job and took off on his bike as a correspondent for Outing magazine.
Two years into his journey, Lenz disappeared in Turkey during the start of a chain of atrocities that eventually led to the Armenian genocide. His disappearance initiated a massive hunt for him, which even affected diplomatic relations. Lenz managed to capture the imagination of the whole country during this interesting time in history when the bicycle was the most advanced form of independent, personal transportation.
Author David Herlihy, who wrote Bicycle: The History, explores what it was like to be an adventurer and traveler in the times before the automobile on the newfangled mechanical device called the bicycle.
Herlihy will be in the South Side on Saturday, August 14 for two events.
David Herlihy, author of The Lost Cyclist, South Side events
Saturday, August 14
5:00pm: Speaking and book signing at Joseph Beth Booksellers, 510 South 27th St, SouthSide Works
6:30pm: Afterparty at the OTB Bicycle Cafe, 2518 East Carson St. There will be drink and food specials and prize give-aways including books, OTB gift certificates, East End Brewing Company Big Hop cycling jerseys and more!
Disposable Film Festival – Thursday, Aug 12
Join us Thursday August 12th, at 8:30 pm for Pittsburgh First Screening ever of the Disposable Film Festival!! Raffle for a 2011 Globe Bike and more!!
The Pittsburgh Edition of the Disposable Film Fest is happy to be part of BikeFEST 2010! Supported by Globe Bikes, we will be hosting a raffle with bikes, parts, and services donated by Globe and other local vendors! Bring your blanket and sit in the abandoned Leslie Park Pool in Lawrenceville, located at 4600 Butler St. We will also be screening 20 minutes of work from local filmmakers! There is no admission fee, but bring some cash if you want concessions like espresso and snacks from the Morning Glory Coffeehouse in Morningside.
Selected by MovieMaker Magazine as one the country’s “coolest film festivals,” the Disposable Film Festival was created in 2007 by Eric Slatkin and Carlton Evans to celebrate the artistic potential of disposable video: short films made on non-professional devices such as one-time use video cameras, cell phones, point and shoot cameras, webcams, and other readily available video capture devices. The DFF offers a forum to celebrate the creative potential of this new mode of filmmaking through screenings, competitions, and other events to showcase the best work within the disposable genre. Based in San Francisco, the Disposable Film Festival travels internationally to Paris, London, Brussels, New York, Beijing, and other cities worldwide.
What is Disposable Film?
In recent years a new kind of film has emerged: The Disposable Film. It has been made possible by new media (webcams, point and shoot digital cameras, cell phones, screen capture software, and one time use digital video cameras) and the rise of online distribution (YouTube, Google, MySpace, etc.). These films are often made quickly, casually, and sometimes even unintentionally.
What does DFF have to do with BikeFest?
The Disposable Film Festival screenings are best in a Bike-in-movie setting. It is also sponsored by Globe Bikes. This is a unique, from the bottom up festival. Even to be included in the screenings, the medium is completely attainable! People might take photos and films all the time with their phones but they don’t realize that they have the potential to make it something even more. Some of the films are made with cameras on bike -helmets but the movies are not necessarily bike related.
What makes Leslie Park Pool a good venue for the festival?
In SF- they projected the films on the side of a building with the amp (sound system) attached to the back of a bicycle. The Leslie Park Pool is a decommissioned pool turning a new leaf in its life. No longer a place for swimming, the pool is becoming a space for events such as Deep Sky Google’s Star Gazing party and Spillapalooza, a fundraiser for the spill in the Gulf, as well as The Accordion Pool Party. Susan Englert and Deb Knox are the Leslie Park Pool Collective and have been reinvigorating the space with new opportunities.
Bring your blanket and enjoy! We will be selling some concessions as well as our sponsors having tables around the pool. Also, keep an eye out for THE RAFFLE!!! We are raffling off a brand new globe bike and other accessories donated from local shops!
What: Disposable Film Festival, presnted by Globe Bikes
Where: Leslie Park Pool – 46th St and Butler St
When: Thursday, August 12 @ 8:30 PM
How Much: FREE, but bring $$ to be entered into the great raffle
Thanks everyone! a great time was had by all!!!
unsticky- but topping it to put some posi stuff at the top
Such an amazing way to represent Pittsburgh, well done folks.