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Official Ironmen Fight Thread

I vote we dedicate this thread to people bitching at other people, so maybe it doesn't have to consume every other f'n thread on the board?

2012-09-19 02:50:24

This shouldn't be saved for festivus?

2012-09-19 03:02:22

can there be a sub-board setup for [The Airing Of Grevances]?

2012-09-19 03:07:31

Everytime I save my grievances for Festivus I forget to air them and then I'm screwed for a whole other year. So, get 'em out while you can, I say.

2012-09-19 03:11:47

Unless of course you're proposing a sub-board to discuss Titus Andronicus, that would be cool.

2012-09-19 03:12:39

I'm totally in. I've been trying to avoid all the other threads that I thought about commenting on (but won't mention) as much as posible over the last several weeks so I definitely need an outlet.

2012-09-19 03:15:26

Cyclists need to learn how to share the road with other cyclists.

2012-09-19 03:20:44

I've been very restrained lately. There hasn't been anyone on here blaming all the worlds woes on black city kids, gays, or disputing the options of pedal foot retention, so I haven't let the adamantium claws down.


This seems like a good place to announce that I have through quite conscious deliberation stopped wearing a helmet on short jaunts around town on my little 20" Raleigh folder. I have assessed that riding around bolt upright at speeds less than 10 mph is not risky enough to warrant the helmet, and additionally I need to stop being part of the subliminal message that cycling is a dangerous and extreme proposition.

I will continue to wear a helmet on my long commute in from the 'burbs, and on recreational rides on road or mountain bike, different circumstances.

There, let's see how that goes.

2012-09-19 10:32:04

y'all can be assholes. consider the hint taken. enjoy the fall.

2012-09-19 11:25:53

Are you trying to tell me to fall? Just kidding.

Ejwme, you seem to have taken something (uncharacteristically) personally. I don't think anything was directed at you. You're a voice of reason round here.

2012-09-19 12:02:37

I thought this was going to be a thread for brawling with other triathletes. :)

2012-09-19 16:50:56

I thought we were all gonna dress up like Ironman and try to punch each other.

2012-09-19 17:05:12



Does whatever an iron can...

(Name the movie, win a prize.)

2012-09-19 17:40:06

@edmunds I need to stop being part of the subliminal message that cycling is a dangerous and extreme proposition.


In honor of that, I'm going to stop wearing a helmet on my commute for a while.

My experience is that helmets provide a certain amount of protection from harrassment and tend encourage comaraderie with other helmented cyclists, but you're right: I've been giving a message I know to be wrong.

Marko once posted a paper that he asked me to review about helmets. That is still on my backlog of things to do0. (Iknow what I think of the authors of that paper, but stating that opinion would be different from a reasoned critique.)


Those particular iron men need some grenades.

2012-09-19 17:40:39

So, this is concerning to me. I'm hesitant to presume what ejwme was implying, but if we lose people like ej due to whatever other extraneous bullshit, we are screwing up big time.

2012-09-19 18:16:22

Rock'em Sock'em Robot tournament to solve differences of opinion!!

2012-09-19 18:21:37

I rarely laugh out loud at whole threads, but did so above!

2012-09-20 17:31:29

I'm just imagining this board like that scene from LoTR where everybody is fighting in Rivendale

2012-09-20 20:16:00