I read that there's an old apple orchard somewhere around MM 68 on the GAP trail. Does anyone know anything about this? (Accessible? Public? [Public "enough"?]
It's morel season and morels are often found in such places. I'll be riding out to Ohiopyle this weekend and would like to take a look.
2015-04-24 13:13:04
Do let us know how that turned out.
When I was much younger I somehow got very good at finding boletus mushrooms. (Salt and leave on the counter for an hour or two to make the insects crawl out. Sauté in butter, add ground black pepper. Eat.)
2015-04-26 17:12:10
I'm sure if he found morels we won't hear a peep. People who know where they are tend to be oddly silent.
2015-04-26 17:14:23
Mushrooms come up fast and fade fast. Enough for everyone.
We're not talking truffles... (Wait, do they grow in West PA? Oh, right: No one would tell us if they did.)
I've never quite figured out the terroir around here. I guess you just have to grow up in it.
2015-04-26 21:39:33
If you really want to know, join the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club. You'll learn fast.
I think people keep morel locations a bit more secret. There are morel-picking competitions, even.
2015-04-27 07:43:00
2015-04-27 09:26:55
Didn't find any morels. I'm wondering if the baptist camp is on the site of the old orchard as that was the only flat in the area.
I did find lots of ramps just after MM 79.
2015-04-27 11:18:41
There is some kind of derelict farm that is, IIRC, about a mile west of Confluence. I forget the details, by the image I have in my head is something that looks like an old orchard.
2015-04-27 11:28:00