that oven is awesome. i have my own fantasies of having something similar at some point in my life, though i can't imagine how or when.
my usual pizza dough goes something like this:
3 cups all purpose flour
1.5 cups cold water
1.5 tsp bread machine/quick rise yeast*
1.25 tsp salt
i will often add a bit more water when initially mixing the dough (with a spoon), if it doesn't feel right, though my 1c scoops are pretty consistent. my main bread recipe runs about the same way, incidentally, but with a little less water (usually 1 1/3 c, if i'm making french bread), and usually with a higher gluten flour (most often i use gold medal better for bread). i mix everything by hand, once the ingredients are sufficiently combined with a spoon, because i like to pretend it makes me seem more skillful, but mostly because it's more fun that way.
i tend to be obsessive about mastering one particular thing. my pizza, right now, is mostly inhibited by the ovens i've got at my disposal. a hotter oven would go a long way toward making it just the way i want it. but i've made probably a hundred or more baguettes, and i am still trying to improve my shaping/proofing/baking techniques.
also, +1 on fridge "rising". that (in general) lets the starch break down more before the yeast does its thing, resulting in a more flavorful bread. it is also, incidentally, why i use cold water (if i have time) when forming my dough. sometimes i go as far as to refrigerate and ice the water before adding it.
* - i hate that commercial yeast suppliers call the same yeast all kinds of different things depending on the manufacturer and the packaging. for example, red star has bread machine yeast in jars, and quick rise yeast in paper pouches. i think fleischmann's calls the same stuff rapid rise or something.