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OT, Snowball fight

Yet not so OT as some other things. This occurred to me this morning walking to work, all you people who do the "social media", next time there is a good packing snow, someone should try and like, flashmob a monster snowball fight. My snowball hand is itchy.

(edmonds59 is not responsible for any personal injury or property damage that may occur in the event that such an occurrence takes place).

2010-12-23 16:35:43

I have been known to go to a very visible spot on the corporate lawn during my lunch time and make snow angels. When I can get help, I make snow men. What's most entertaining to me is not the act, but the responses of my coworkers, who seem all at once energized and enthusiastic while maintaining that they "can't do that". I ask why, and they shuffle their feet & stare at the floor. Where do grown ups learn this kind of thing?

Last place I worked, two days before I left, I made a snowman that faced the desk of the top exec, head at eye level, smiling and waving at him through his window about 20 feet away. Very satisfying.

Edmonds59 - I'm so there :D

2010-12-23 16:49:33

ejwme; "We don't quit playing because we get old, we get old because we quit playing."

Can't remember where I first read/heard that.

2010-12-23 17:16:33

I think we should wait until we receive snow on the order of "buy bread and milk."


2010-12-23 20:58:11

does anybody else remember the Paulson & Kren "Sophie Vader" radio skits, or that silly song where the chorus is mostly Sophie screetching "BREAD AND MILK, BREAD AND MILK"?

That's the voice I hear in my head when people talk about stocking up for snow storms, and the reason for my giggling uncontrollably when others are being so concerned and serious. Gets me in trouble.

I think on Jeff's snow scale a 3 or 4 might be adequate. There's no rule that we can only do it once, either.

2010-12-23 21:27:31

So how far past the right side of the screen is a normal snowfall for us great lakes raised folks? This city likes to pretend it's in the north, but we know better.

2010-12-24 01:23:46

East Aurora got a #6 or better easily 10 times a year. Below #4 we didn't even notice snow. Moving here (and now living here for 29 winters) made me realize how soft the rest of the world is. ("Whaddya complaining about? It's only 4"! If you can't drive in it, stay the hell home.")

2010-12-24 16:31:30

i just got back from buffalo. we got maybe 5 inches while i was there. i just told someone it didn't snow while i was there.

my parents place is in the village that got 42 inches in 36 hours a few weeks ago. mostly people are just complaining about how cold it's been, though.

2010-12-28 19:21:50