Nice one, stu. I totally agree. Since i am a PA, at work i am getting the "oh you're a physician assistant? Just like the girl big ben is engaged to, huh?" vomit. Thanks, glad i have to converse about something that really is not important.
our local celebrity
haha, look at stu making it big on BPGH with his comment on big ben:
Like the highest goal a woman could have is to snag a rapistberger. Is *everyone* you work with an idiot or just the ones you mention here? No, don't answer that.
Man, I want to sign up to Twitter just to follow Stu
@Lyle; I bet it's the patients
Pierce, that makes sense. Well, there's a simple solution for that...
"huh, this looks... Hmm. Oh, well, never mind, it's probably nothing."
What? What?
"Ah, a little craniorectal inversion. It's rarely fatal."
I know a lot of people that have been together since Ben was accused of rape the first time that still aren't ready to get married. I think it's kind of awesome in that sanctity of marriage sort of way that back in May he was buying shots for underagers so he could do unspeakable things to them in the bathroom and now, 6 months later, he's getting married. Classy.
yeah, but your friends won't get gagillions in the divorce
Reminds me that I have to pick up my Suisham jersey from the parents... nice, wholesome kicker.
I see the comparison to Michael Vick has been made. Our dog walks out of the room when the Eagles game is on. I doubt women walk out of the room when Big Ben is on the field.
There's also been a comparison made of Michael Vick and the general population:
Yah i am not really gonna answer that on a pubc forum, lyle, even though i have a lot to say about it. It is sad and horrible. That is all i will say.