I know nothing...but some of them seem really oddly placed. I'd be interested in knowing who is making the decisions.....
PA Bike Route... Bats? Fish? Mushrooms?
I see these signs a lot near the other lettered PA Bike Routes, but there is no mention of them online or anywhere else I can find. I'm guessing they are detours or side routes, as they are always near a lettered route.
Anyone know more about them? I've seen at least four different ones.
@guy - I am not certain I understand the question you are asking. To which signs "near the other lettered PA Bike Routes" are you referring?
Missing photo? Missing link? The list of posted bike routes is showing, but nothing else.
I saw the mushrooms around somerset. I thought I was hallucinating.
Bike Route TheresAFungusAmongUs signs have proven a common distraction to delirious crushers of commonwealths.
I've never found any references to them online. I recall seeing a mushroom, someone in a canoe (Bike Route Deliverance, I presume), and a cornucopia. All of these signs seem to be in the west-central part of the state.
The signs look just like the other PA Bike Route signs but instead of a letter there is a picture of a fish, mushroom, bats, cornicopia, etc. They are always near or crossing the letter routes.
@Stu. Nowhere online does it say what they are and there is no photo, that's why I'm asking.
yeah, there was an ill fated attempt at
having tourism around the laurel highlands
and somerset, for bike tourism.
I cant remember the name of the program for
the life of me. Cycling the alleghenies or
There used to be something called Cycle the Southern Alleghenies that had some rides out that way. I've done one a couple of times that started in Somerset and was called something like Magic Mystery Mountain Tour or something like that. Their website is defunct. I can't for the life of me remember what the signs looked like but they did cross PA bike routes and might have had symbols on them instead of letters. I think they also may have said CycleSA on them.
The wayback machine had this, but you can't go further..
Jeff, another race I have won.
Now I am really curious. Anyone have a photo of one?
Ohiojeff tripped the memory switch for me.
Found the link and the photo.
They appear to represent tours from the Cycle the Alleghenies tourism group.
Here's the mushroom:
That's the sign! I never equated the magic mountain with what might be the magic mushroom on the sign. This is a nice, if hilly ride. You get to ride past what was once an Elk ranch but is now the Pittsburgh Zoo's Elephant Conservatory somwhere along the way.