i can vouch that the sourdough pancakes will be awesome.
Pancake Dinner to support Climate Ride
Hey gang,
Next week I will be riding from New York to DC as part of the 2011 Brita Climate Ride - a 300 mile charity bike event to celebrate climate awareness, renewable energy solutions and alternative transportation. Help me support innovative solutions to our pressing environmental and social problems by...EATING PANCAKES!
Come join me and Transition Pittsburgh for a pancake dinner, film viewing and positive discussion about climate change:
* Monday, May 9 @ 6:30 pm
* First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh, 5401 Centre Ave
* Suggested donation of $10
* RSVP on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=218355578191605
Delicious homemade sourdough pancakes and waffles will be served alongside coffee and tea...because breakfast is always better at night!
After some short TED talks, we will engage in a group discussion about the issues and what we as individuals and a community can do to get involved.
All donations will support my fundraising efforts for Climate Ride and will benefit 3 exciting and innovative non-profits: Green America, 350.org, and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.
For more information on the 2011Brita Climate Ride and to support my fundraising effort, visit this page: climateride.donordrive.com/participant/tittle
Only $400 to go, team! Hope to see you there,
I can vouch that Caitlin can vouch that the sourdough pancakes will be awesome.
Ahh, I just saw this and can't make it on such short notice, but this sounds awesome. Pancakes + a good cause + TED talks. Good luck with it!
Not to spoil the party, but I wonder if milk is going to be used for the pancakes. I think the environmental aspects of animal use are insignificant to the moral issues, but if one is concerned about the environment, it's an issue none the less
Yea, I bet they use electricity from coal or natural gas to cook the pancakes too. Destroying the Earth one pancake at a time!
Well if you're going to go on a campaign for "climate awareness," why not start by looking in areas where you can increase energy efficiency?
Avoiding milk (and animal products in general) is one way. It's far easier however, to just throw your hands up, but then why go on the trip in the first place?
Pretty much by definition, an activity designed to "raise awareness" is outside of ordinary day-to-day consumption patterns. I suppose the idea is that the additional cost in terms of resource utilization is outweighed by the benefits of increased awareness.
Not an implausible concept, really...much like any other form of investment, you take a short-term detriment in hopes of long-term gain.
And, of course, from the perspective of persuading those who do not already agree with you, moderation tends to be more attractive than extremism.
actually, I'd rather avoid the mono-cultures of wheat if I were going to critique the pancakes, which I'm not.
This pancake thing is on the same day as the "Tire Fire, Motor Oil in the River, Clear-cut the Rainforest 10K for Earth Day" event i'm doing.
And I really like pancakes.