I commute every morning down Panther Hollow and then Blvd of the Allies and then on the return home take the sidewalk back up.
I figured that pattern made the most sense given the drop along the way to Bates Street... riding in the street is better and unlike sidewalk, consistently legal, but high relative velocity is dangerous.
OK, so then how come cresting the tiny little rise up from Bartlett Playground before the main downhill on Panther Hollow did I come upon another bicyclist lackadaisically puttering along at, I don't know, maybe 7mph? A young male bicyclist who, skinny and with road bike could easily have been doing twice that and possibly done 3x that speed. Seems irresponsible not to try and MOVE on that sort of road.
Then on my way home, there's a bicyclist going the other way. On Blvd, my reaction is thumbs up, I really hate riding on that sidewalk and it is illegal, but it's short, uphill, and a busy road, so I thought it was better in my case esp. since I'm still recovering from the major part of the climb. But if enough bicyclists do otherwise, maybe I could budget my energy on Bates better, and then road would be a welcome relief after all that's sidewalk.
Great so far, but my reaction changed as that bicyclist continued on into Schenley Park on on Panther Hollow, which due to lack of stoplights means cars ZOOM on, and which has a stronger and more sustained uphill. And continued not just to the interchange area which again, like Blvd, I could see maybe, but all the way up the hill. This seemed like a death wish to me. At least that bicyclist was working, got up the hill faster than me, but really??
Am I being a major wimp, or does this seem crazy to other folks too? Or maybe with good lines of sight not crazy, but not constructive I don't think either... you slow someone down that much and I think it's major fuel to the road rage fire.
Perhaps abstracted away from the specific case, are there roads you ride down but not up? Do you push it on faster/busier roads? If so, is your motivation safety, trying to avoid holding up others, something else??