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Passing Flock of Cycles on instead of disbanding

I have been talking to a few individuals over the past week about potentially taking over the administrative side of Flock of Cycles. This is mostly due to the over-whelming response to the news that we were planning on dissolving.

It is unfortunate that it took that news to get people to step forward with serious interest in contributing, but sometimes, that is just what it takes.

So, if anyone else is interested, please contact me-

2012-05-25 04:58:32

People may have stepped forward sooner had they known what was happening? But this is great news.

2012-05-25 10:44:10

This is the first I have heard anything about this.

2012-05-25 10:59:00

Whenever a community asset looks to be going away, people usually flock around it

2012-05-25 14:20:39

Stef, we had been publicly asking for input and help continuously since last July (at least). I can count the number of people who offered help on one hand. The majority of the people who came to me upset about Flock dissolving had not offered to help in the past.

2012-05-25 16:04:46

Ah it was not clear to me, at least, that flock was going to disband if others didn't take over.

2012-05-25 16:20:36

It wasn't never explicitly expressed, but that's what happens to an org when it doesn't have the people-power needed to run. It wasn't planned, but it got to a point where it was only Rob and I left and both of our employment situations had changed, not leaving us the time Flock needs.

2012-05-25 18:17:53

May I make a proposal? Why don't we pick a date in the near future for a meetup, so that those of us with an interest in keeping Flock going can put our heads together?

Just to throw something out there, how about Friday June 2nd at 6:30 PM, Big Dog Coffee on the South Side? We could go for a ride and/or hit OTB afterwards...

2012-05-25 18:40:49

I can't make that date, but if no resolution is made and flock is unable to continue as it was, a discussion about a Pittsburgh bike party like edmonds spoke of in California may be an option to replace it...

2012-05-25 19:55:24

I like reddan's idea, a meet up is a good idea, when I read about Flock needing more help I always believed it was because Flock was expanding, I guess I misunderstood. At this point I would be of little help as I work 36 hours and go to school the rest of the time. Once school was finished I always had ideas of being more involved be this could all end by then.

2012-05-25 20:34:49

@reddan, I probably can't make that. I think I am heading to Philly for a bike shop opening.

Maybe the week after?

2012-05-25 21:49:22

@Nick: Monday, 06/04? Friday is the Team Thick dinner...

2012-05-25 22:28:22

Ok, for those who are interested in helping to carry the Flock torch, let's get together at Big Dog Coffee (2717 Sarah Street on the South Side) next Tuesday, June 12th, at 6 PM.

2012-06-04 23:44:06

I hope to participate, schedule permitting.

2012-06-05 14:03:37

Since I don't necessarily have any experience handling an organization like this and most of you have never even met me in person, I certainly don't want to elbow my way into this if there's already a group of capable people on board. But if there is indeed some way I can help, I'm glad to do it since I think Flock is a valuable thing to keep around, and I can make it to that meeting time next week.

2012-06-05 16:05:39

@pearmask I certainly don't want to elbow my way into this if there's already a group of capable people on board

If I understand correctly, the capable people here are dropping it.

Now it's up to people like me. ;)

Please, don't feel like you are "elbowing in."

2012-06-05 16:08:15

pear, what Mick said. I'm going to try to make it, but likewise have zilch experience. At this point, the time and inclination to help seems more important than experience. (Though less ideal than experience, time, AND inclination).

I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd rather see Flock flounder than founder.

2012-06-05 16:35:57

My perception is that the current status is due to the fact that no one did bother to elbow in previously.

2012-06-05 16:51:12

Perhaps a Facebook update is in order? Surely there are people who Flocked that aren't part of this message board.

2012-06-05 17:21:16

The Pittsburgh Critical Mass group on Facebook seems to be gathering people still. Anything about rides, meetups, etc., is worth cross-posting there. I seem to have admin privileges there, but I think about 50 people also do, so maybe I'm nothing special.

2012-06-05 17:31:06

Flock wasn't started by "capable people". It was started by people who saw a need for something and thought they could do something about it. I think to keep Flock alive, people who truly want to help are even more valuable than people who are qualified to help.

2012-06-05 17:54:25

Cool. I'll be there next week, then.

2012-06-05 17:55:52

I've turned into a slow starter in the morning, so I'm usually still at work at 6, but I'll try to make it.

2012-06-05 19:30:22

Someone please post a heads-up about this sometime in the 12 hours before this, so that I can remember to get my butt over there in time.

I grabbed a tag about 50 feet from the front door of this place a couple months ago, and posted it while seated there, so I can definitely recommend it as a cool place to meet & talk. It'd be nice if the weather cooperated, as they have a nice deck out back.

2012-06-05 19:46:38

I've reserved the time on my work calendar, so I'll make it.

2012-06-05 20:31:36

I may come to this also, if it's ok with everyone. I know I'm one of the newer riders on this board and I don't want to overstep but I really want to help. Even if I just help marshall the rides or something.

2012-06-05 20:55:43

If we end up with the problem of too many volunteers, well, we'll muddle through somehow.

2012-06-05 21:19:28

Having more people than expected would be the best possible scenario. Dan and I were talking earlier about a contingency plan in the case that it is only him and I.

2012-06-06 02:54:43

I'll be there even if it's during my favorite Tuesday ride. Flock is worth the sacrifice.

Hey Big Dog is next door to my gym we can all go workout afterwards. jk

2012-06-06 03:51:08


Tomorrow evening, 6 PM, Big Dog Coffee (2717 Sarah St)

Don't make Nick and I activate the "no-one showed, let's drink beer" emergency fallback plan.

2012-06-11 16:57:26

Whoops. I meant to come to this, but booked something else in this time slot. Maybe you guys could post minutes or something here?

2012-06-11 17:05:53

@Pierce: will do.

2012-06-11 17:07:44

I will come to this if it's ok with you guys

2012-06-11 17:23:20

@mr marv: Please do.

2012-06-11 17:36:16

I would be there but I'm out of town.

2012-06-12 03:51:34

I'll be there!

2012-06-12 14:04:55

I would love to be there, but as of now I don't think I can make it. I'll have to read the minutes.

2012-06-12 15:27:14

If the team decaf ride is cancelled...

2012-06-12 16:22:37

Have bike, will be there. Thanks for the reminders!

2012-06-12 16:29:29

Can't get there at that time. Really irked. Must read minutes.

2012-06-12 17:01:08

It was a great meeting. Thanks everyone who came.

2012-06-13 02:04:27

Good meeting indeed, thanks for all the interest. A solid dozen attendees.

Below, see meeting notes.

Next meeting: Tuesday 6/19, 6 PM, at FIKS Reflective world headquarters (201 N Braddock. The entrance is in Thomas )

To summarize immediate needs:

1) New Board, including President, Treasurer, and Secretary. A Volunteer Coordinator position would also be highly recommended

2) Determine insurance needs for coming year, based on projected events.

3) Catch up on paperwork/administrivia

4) Determine how not to repeat prior mistakes (overloading of a few key people, problems in communication)

Goals for next week:

A) Determine who is willing to commit to what. We need board members(4-5) and volunteers (lots)

B) Determine what events will be promoted in the near future (e.g. July Party Ride)

C) Establish communication channel for Flock administration

D) Drink Nick's beer

2012-06-13 13:05:39

Heh, heh. Does Nick drink anything stronger than Miller High Life these days?

2012-06-13 14:19:43

In my defense, I hardly knew any of you at that point and wasn't wasting good beer on complete strangers.

There will be some kind of meat-infused beer for you, Pierce.

2012-06-13 16:35:46

Meat-infused beer, eh? How about beer-infused meat?

2012-06-13 16:45:15

(oof) That doesn't make me want either beer or meat. That's just nasty.

2012-06-13 16:50:09

I don't drinl beer but it's very tasty. :)

2012-06-13 16:53:21

Anyone who is nice to me at the next meeting I'll give them my beer.

2012-06-13 19:26:20

ok, there's something wrong with me, I thought the meat-beer looked good.

I'm now back to being able to actually travel away from the house, so will be there.

Really glad this is happening, no matter what.

2012-06-13 21:05:45

I like bacon, but I think that much would probably make me sick. (Surely my mom and I can't be the only Jews who seem to be actually allergic to pork products, right?)

Which isn't to say that'd necessarily stop me from trying, especially if it'd had a good beer in it. Say that maple porter the Park House has on this month...

2012-06-13 21:48:04

Bumping this to remind everyone that the next meeting is tomorrow.

2012-06-18 17:59:00

I rode past and still couldn't find the entrance. I don't want to be outside missing the meeting tomorrow

2012-06-18 18:02:07

Yeah, I ride past there every day and am still not 100% sure where the entrance is. Is it labeled or anything? I mean, I assume I'll know I'm in the right place when I see other people wandering around with helmets and other bikey stuff; that approach worked last week

2012-06-18 18:20:03

not going to be able to make it this week :-( carry on without me, I'm feeling up for mostly administrative/paperwork type volunteering at this point. oh, and showing up for rides but not organizing them.

2012-06-18 22:36:47

pretty sure it was said last week the entrance is on meade, across from the co-op. (which would seem to be the old Casablanca Gallery entrance. It's been 5 years since i lived over there, but that's the only one I remember on Meade...)

ETA: Oh, wait, street view says there's a little hobbity double door down closer to braddock. and, while i didn't think the building extended to thomas, apparently that is where the entrance to the loading dock is...

2012-06-18 22:42:16

I'll be there, but probably even later than I was last week.

2012-06-18 23:04:48

I'll be late and likely smelly, but I'm still planning on making it.

2012-06-19 00:57:23

Does anyone know where bike parking is.

2012-06-19 01:42:57

Per Nick, the entrance is on Thomas St (other side from building from Co-op). I don't know what locking/parking opportunities there are.

2012-06-19 19:13:04

Thanks reddan I'll see you there, we will figure locking/parking out as we go along.

2012-06-19 19:15:03

My bike is out of commission today so I'll have to drive if I want to make this. Don't hold it against me that I'm driving to a Flock meeting.

2012-06-19 19:56:56

@mr marv: I am too...need to be in Greentree by 8-ish.

2012-06-19 20:21:31

I can't make it. :(

2012-06-19 21:25:03

Oops... I ended up running late and can't figure out where the entrance is after walking around here for a while. I don't seem to have anyone's phone number, but on the off chance that anyone sees this, I'll hang around outside for a few minutes, haha

2012-06-19 22:40:06

Coming for you, Sara!

2012-06-19 22:49:10

Very productive meeting today. Lots of good things are coming from Flock. More info coming soon.

2012-06-20 01:30:59

I'm sorry I had to leave so soon. I wanted some of that UFO. (Just the beer; not the "extras"!)

2012-06-20 01:43:40

I showed up like wicked late (8:30) and couldn't find any bikes locked up (didn't have cell phone to call the number on the doors) ... I'm sorry I missed it!

2012-06-20 13:52:18

We were gone by then, but only by a few minutes. I think we got on the road about 8:10-8:15.

I need to write up some meeting notes. Maybe over lunch.

2012-06-20 14:20:24

Stu, I was afraid of that, but I hoped some socialization might have held people long enough. Sigh. I'm still eager to help, I just need to physically show up (at the right time!) and find a useful niche.

2012-06-20 14:27:58

[Apologies for the late meeting was my birthday, so I skipped work and went riding. So there.]


Interim board of directors (President/Dictator: Mr Marv, Secretary/Controller of the Meeting Minutes: reddan, Treasurer/Chief Embezzler: ieverhart, and Volunteer Coordinators/Cat Herders: pearmask & bikeygirl) selected.

Monthly rides scheduled through October, starting in July: third Friday of each month at Dippy, targeted departure time of 6 PM.

Beer and cider drunk, cookies eaten.

2012-06-21 00:31:10

Happy Birthday reddan

(edit) I'm older than you

2012-06-21 00:36:24

Older, wiser, kinder, more generous, better looking...but you still haven't beaten me up a single hill ;-)

2012-06-21 00:42:34

Well played reddan..... well played.

2012-06-21 00:44:19

@Reddan: You forgot to add that RobC will continue helping put with website-related stuff, and Nick D remains as Executive Director -meaning that ALL complaints should be forwarded to him, hahahahaha :)


PlEASE note that as it was noted, these are Interim Positions to bring some order/organization to the FOC and get the wheels of the train (or bike) rolling.

EVERYONE and WHOEVER wants to help and actively volunteer and attend Board Meetings and such, please DO SO --this is everyone's club, and it will take EVERYONE to build a stronger, successful, and dare-I-say happier organization :)

Questions, concerns or whatever, please share them!

2012-06-21 00:46:17

ok so i am going to maybe be a debbie downer here, but what about the other fridays in the month? i would be happy if we just started to have a waiver-free pittsburgh bike party on other friday nights. would it be uncool to mention this at the official flock rides in order to get the word out? they would be rides similar to how flock was before it became a nonprofit.

2012-06-21 01:05:47

Wow - awesome slate of new board members!! I'm so happy to see the torch carried on & will look forward to volunteering for events when I can.

THANKS to those who have stepped forward...and to the initial crew who got things rolling. I know I am not the only one who has gotten a lot out of the flock rides.

2012-06-21 01:06:12

@stef: I'm not speaking for the Board, but I think it's completely cool to talk about other rides/groups/etc. at Flock.

2012-06-21 01:13:32

As of now Flock will only be once a month. But if you want to organize a Non-Flock ride during Flock it's cool. We are all one big cycling family.

2012-06-21 01:17:49

@Pseudacris - thanks! :)

@Stefb - If I am correct, for now we will only have "official-Party Style" FOC rides once-a-month, and perhaps an additonal FOC ride in a non-friday date.

If other people want to have additonal non-scheduled & non-FOC/"dippy" rides, that should be cool. Our only reason to have one-a-month is to prevent ridership/volunteer exhaustions and such. Ultimately, we'll see how it goes :)

2012-06-21 01:18:04

Yep, sounds like we're all on the same page. Flock doing one ride a month seems more likely to keep Flock ridership high and allow Flock to put more energy and effort into each ride to make it awesome, basically like bikeygirl said, but of course more people riding bikes on more days is never a bad thing!

2012-06-21 01:24:00

Also, PLEASE NOTE that only The (3)Board Positions are Title-Positions; with NickD, pearmask and myself will only be assisting the Board at Meetings and Events.

2012-06-21 01:55:08


"i would be happy if we just started to have a waiver-free pittsburgh bike party on other friday nights."

I think we're all for more bike parties.

I think the purpose of these Flock rides is to foster an environment where people who have never ridden on the street can do so safely and around riders who are a lot more experienced.

Afterwards, novice and experienced cyclist can all mingle and hangout at the party.

"they would be rides similar to how flock was before it became a nonprofit."

As far as I can tell, the rides should be pretty similar. I remember Nick focusing on new cyclists with the party rides, and I think the rides will continue in that spirit.

The nonprofit thing doesn't seem to make much of a difference. We're a group of people getting together to foster a supportive environment for new cyclists by old cyclists in a slightly structured way.

2012-06-21 04:24:02

^Very well said. Bike parties = awesome. But Flock's outreach and organizational efforts can make things seem structured and welcoming and accessible to all levels, which makes a big difference for people who are really new at this and are easily intimidated, or people who would go if their friend invited them but who would never check this message board for discussion of something like the recent Dino-rides, or people who only ride occasionally and won't go weekly but will go if it's a bigger and less frequent event and therefore seems like more of a special thing, or whatever. Both have an important place in Pittsburgh (and I'll gladly attend both!)

2012-06-21 04:33:22

Sorry, I have been stalking this thread for a few weeks waiting to see what happens. I have been looking for an organized ride for all of the reasons stated. I am a beginner, and am easily intimidated by road riding. My wife and I participated in an organized poker run on the GAP last year and loved it, this seems like the logical next progression. Hopefully I can make it to a ride this summer.

2012-06-21 11:32:21

Yay! I hope you can make it to a ride this summer, TonyP!

(I just had to confer with Google to find out what a poker run was... that sounds fun!)

2012-06-21 11:53:56

How do people get to Dippy from downtown? I've been wanting to come to a ride, but I don't know how to get over there without using scary roads. I would have to come straight from work to be there by 6.

Thoughts on routes, anyone?

2012-06-21 12:46:18

Eliza Furnace trail, Junction Hollow, Joncaire, S. Bouquet, something (the something is Schenley Drive, to the Carnegie. I should have looked it up in the first place, but it's like 1,000 feet to Dippy), Dippy. Piece o cake.

2012-06-21 12:55:31

Except for the "something." You're talking to someone who can navigate north, south, and west. East is a scary gray blob on my mental map.

2012-06-21 12:56:47

^ what he said.

finding the connections between the jail trail & junction hollow trails can be a bit weird the first time.

and definitely take the sidewalk up joncaire.

a bit of a climb at the end, but mostly a car- free route.

2012-06-21 12:59:48

OK I will try it - probably sometime when I'm not trying to be somewhere on time. Then when I'm trying to get to Dippy by 6, it'll really happen.

I'm really hoping to fill in the gray blob.

2012-06-21 13:02:53

^ I will post a map later today if someone else doesnt beat me to it.

2012-06-21 13:25:14

Yay map - thanks Mikhail!

2012-06-21 13:52:58

If I am able to go we can set up a little meetup on the town end @ 5:30 or wh/evs and ride out. Remind closer to.

2012-06-21 13:56:25

That's a great idea - thanks for the offer. Hopefully my schedule will work out for once.

2012-06-21 14:30:52

edmonds59 & I are in adjacent buildings & my ride is usually tied up in front of City-County Building, so a Jail Trail threesome (at least) would work for me. A pre-ride ride, so to speak.

Edit: If you look closely at the map in Mikhail's link just above, you will see a tiny thin line running north from near the Joncaire/Boundary intersection. That is a 104-step staircase. Using that guarantees that you won't encounter any car traffic. Comes up right behind the Frick Fine Arts Bldg. Go to the left of that and you'll be in sight of Dippy.

2012-06-21 16:58:48

pinky, by chance have you met a woman in Crafton named Janine (sp?) Z. I think? I've run into her riding in a couple of times.

2012-06-21 17:07:33

Nope, but does she usually wear a high-vis jacket or shirt, and have panniers on her bike? If so I've seen her a bunch, but mostly on Steuben where I prefer Noblestown. Speaking of, what's with all of the vegetation debris on Noblestown this week?

2012-06-21 17:19:40

Yes, high viz, works for the county, very nice.

Noblestown, I rode up through there Sunday, I think there was a very heavy localized downpour right before I went through that washed out a lot of stuff. I just hit a sprinkle.

2012-06-21 17:26:21

Slight variation on what Mikhail posted.

This version takes you up Joncaire (to the backside of Iron City Bikes). The red X is Dippy. Staying on Schenley Drive will eventually get you to Squirrel Hill.

I recommend a strong light for Junction Hollow at night. Especially of you have ancient eyeballs.

2012-06-21 19:22:11

Also, during rush hour I take the tracks from the parking lot at the end of the jail trail rather than waiting to make a left onto 2nd ave or go around the blind turns in the chute.

2012-06-21 19:40:56

I always take the chute going to Schenley- and do not understand why anyone would take it going the other way, unless traffic is backed up all the way up Greenfield.

I still want to bring a shovel to clean off the trail really well from those who knock the rocks down across the trail and into the road.

2012-06-21 20:45:47

Small world. I worked with Jeaneen Z a few years ago. She lives somewhere in Crafton. She's in on the Endomondo calculator rankings somewhere, so takes her biking seriously.

2012-06-21 21:52:27

@ pearmask - Thanks, I hope I can make it too!

The West Newton Trail has a great poker run on Labor Day every year. Really easy 12 mile ride on the GAP. West Newton Bike Shop to Smithton Beach and back.

If the ride ends at Dippy, everyone should stop over to The Porch for a refreshment of their choice. Its a great new restaurant in Schenley Plaza....

2012-06-22 13:06:21

a slightly more direct route would take up you bates street from the trail. however: the connection to bates, since they redid the bridge, is kind of shitty. and you will almost certainly want to take the sidewalk on the way up.

also, i rather like going up swinburne on occasion, just for variety's sake.

2012-06-22 15:31:55

Any chance of Midnight rides? I either have work or open water swims with the Pittsburgh Tri Club at 6 on Fridays so I wont be able to make any Flocks.

2012-06-24 11:29:20

As of now there are no midnight flock rides. We will see what the future holds.

2012-06-24 11:37:17

I got a set of these lights for my birthday, and they are sort of impractical for everyday use but also really awesome, so I'm certainly hoping we can schedule some midnight Flocks in the future so I can play with them

2012-06-24 15:48:42

I never made it to a Midnight Flock, but Flock at Night (9pm?) was fun and I'd like to see that return someday.

2012-06-25 13:17:10