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One of the many streets being paved is Shady Ave in between Walnut and 5th. They milled (I think that's the correct term?) the road last Thursday, and haven't done anything since. Last night in the rain, there was a pretty solid stream of stones and other road debris, and the whole section was unrideable because of the slick surface. Also, there's a pretty girthy lip on either side of the milled area that requires me to walk my bike on the sidewalk. I would normally 311 this, but my guess is the city is aware of it and it's a case of poor planning. Has anyone else experienced this?
2013-06-26 06:32:10
It's pretty standard procedure to do a bunch of milling and not put new pavement down immediately. Just part of the process. Just be careful and avoid it in the meantime.
2013-06-26 07:17:41
This is pretty standard. They mill a bunch of streets so that when they get hot asphalt, they can do a few in the same day. Anything left over from a days work would be wasted. They can take their time with the milling, but the hot stuff needs to be set down quickly. Also, I think we recycle a bit of the asphalt here, so the material milled off the road is then put in to the mix which will be relayed on to the road, so it makes sense to gather it first from a few streets as well. I'm not a paver, so a lot of this could just be talking out my ass.
2013-06-26 07:25:47
I see we have a couple of amateur pavers in the forum. I'm also hoping that they go all the way to the Walnut intersection, where the truly crap part of the road is. They left about 40 feet of heavily pot-holed road un-milled.
2013-06-26 07:34:24
Freeport Road from Aspinwall to Waterworks is graded and a mess. Found out in the middle of that storm around 12:30AM today riding home. It was... an interesting ride, but sort of fun. lol
2013-06-26 08:06:11
greenfield road from the bridge to panther hollow road (where the bike lane is) was being milled this morning... (account of shitty experience to follow in another thread)
2013-06-26 12:42:43
I just checked with Peduto/Gilman's office about Shady. They're not going to finish that last bit of Shady from Howe to Walnut until next year on account of the construction of the new apartment building in the middle of that block on the west side of Shady. That construction will tear up the street when they put in new utility and sewer so they're going to wait to repave that little section. Short-term continued rough road pain but long-term good planning.
2013-06-26 14:47:20
The stretch from Howe to Walnut is a disaster. I try to take the center (as opposed to the lane)... Other than saying nice things, have Peduto/Giiman offered any concrete (uh, asphalt) plan for dealing with marginal pavement that impacts cyclists? A blob of cold patch doesn't make the biking all that much better.
2013-06-26 17:59:24
I came down Wilkins Avenue the other day and it is freshly redone! That was a terrible stretch and I'm very glad it is nice and smooth now.
2013-07-15 20:53:20
If you're in the neighborhood, Pocusset is wonderful right now. No car traffic, and nice and smooth.
2013-07-16 07:47:01
Ahlir wrote:Other than saying nice things, have Peduto/Giiman offered any concrete (uh, asphalt) plan for dealing with marginal pavement that impacts cyclists? A blob of cold patch doesn’t make the biking all that much better.
At least a mound of cold patch is better than a deep pothole which you can't see when it's full of water.
2013-07-16 08:12:37
I'm riding up Sixth Street last night, get to Ft Duq Blvd, when I heard a familiar "ding ding" behind me. It was my son, who'd biked into town (assisted by a bus). Somewhere between L'ville and Tahn, he managed to hit a hole hard enough to bend the rear wheel. I know he had 80# in the tire because I filled it myself a couple of days ago. Gabe is the sort who does not memorize every square yard of every street he travels, nor should it be necessary for anyone to do that. I wasn't able to figure out where specifically this hole he hit was. However I'm the person who's going to spend part of Saturday trying to straighten it, or finding a replacement wheel.
2013-07-16 11:26:17