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Pedal Pittsburgh 60 mile route

I know this is crazy, but I'm doing the 60 mile route for Pedal Pittsburgh. I was woundering who's with me. Anyone else doing the 60 mile route or am I alone. And has anyone done the 60 mile route before is it super hard. Im probably gonna hurt for a month

2011-05-09 23:48:34

I'm contemplating the 50.

2011-05-10 00:07:53

Unless the route's changed, the 60 is the 50 plus a loop up Mt's nice, because it's easy to change your mind at the end of the 50 if you're not feeling up for the extra climb.

That said, I'll likely be doing the 50 or 60.

2011-05-10 00:10:58

I have done the 60 mi route several times. Lots of hills. It is kinda mean that the route takes you basically past the finish where all of the food is In order to get to mt 18th street and the other climbs up to mt washington. There are a good number of people doing the 60 mi route. Chris from thick did it one year on a fixed gear (or maybe it was single speed). There are a few nice downhills with subsequent uphills on mt washington (assuming the route is the same this year). I suggest that you time the stop lights so that you have a green and don't have to start from a stop at a red at the bottom of hills. I usually wait for the light to cycle through to get my timing down.

2011-05-10 00:14:30

The 60miler is pretty easy. It would be hard if you did it twice, though.

I mean... easy, hard. That's awfully subjective. What's hard for you might be easy for reddan. Tough to answer the question.

2011-05-10 01:09:04

i would say it is kinda challenging. i am not so hot with hill climbing anymore, but that is what granny gear is for if i get tired.

2011-05-10 01:50:19

yeah, i might try the 60, but it is nice that you don't have to decide until mile 48 or so.

2011-05-10 02:00:38

I'm doing it this year for the first time, and doing the 60 mile route as well. I haven't heard anything about it being a supported ride, so I'm assuming it's not, but are there are least convenient places to fill a water bottle?

2011-05-10 02:01:35

It is supported, there are rest stops every 10-15 miles IIRC

2011-05-10 02:02:25

I'm glad I wont be alone. I was a little unsure about doing the 60 alone and navigating while tired I ride better with others than alone. Even if I get dropped by everyone

2011-05-10 02:17:39

I also ride faster when I am with other people for some reason.

2011-05-10 10:55:23

they make you pay for those last 10 miles. It's not just a ride up mount washington, it's a tour of some of the back streets, and of course they are steep. that being said, do the 60!!

2011-05-10 11:28:52

You can get creative with their routes, too. They won't check. One year I chopped off a bunch of the East End because I wanted to go up Mt. Washington, and it was worth it. I mean, you can do the EE anytime.

2011-05-10 12:04:05

They people I am riding with are doing the 50 because apparently they will run out of food. It doesn't matter to me since I eat a vegan diet so there's never anything I can eat afterwards at these things anyway. But if you care about food, that might be a factor. Or ride faster. That's an option too.

I heard they no longer go up Sycamore but now it's 18th st?

2011-05-10 12:16:36

I did the 50 two years ago, and the 60 last year. The last 10 is alllllll hills. That said, do it.

2011-05-10 13:18:31

I'm going to do 60ish. I live on Mt. Washington so when I've completed the 50 I'll follow the 60 option until I reach my place.

2011-05-10 14:47:39

this year will be my first year and I'm doing the 60 mile option. I hadn't heard about that last hilly bit...but I'd be willing to try it!

2011-05-10 16:05:42

The Mt Washington leg isn't _that_ bad...pratt is right, though; the tough parts are all the sawtooth back streets, not the long climb up the hill.

2011-05-10 16:08:25

the first year i did it, i was swearing to myself because i thought it was up mt washington and then down, but i guess they have to get the 10 miles in somehow. yes, last year was 18th st up, sycamore down (which is kinda scary). i can't remember which street i took to mt washington the first year i did it, since i didn't know my way around town very well. at the end of the ride, i just go to pizza sola instead. there isn't all that much for a vegetarian to eat either. maybe that has changed though.

2011-05-10 16:54:10

stef, it was josephine to arlington.

2011-05-10 17:26:06

To the vegans & especially vegetarians: you should consider giving the Whole Foods lunch a shot! I am veg (I work for the CDCP, we are in the midst of Pedal madness right now) and found plenty to eat at the lunch last year.

2011-05-10 18:53:36

I did the 50 last year and all around it wasn't too bad aside from the 4 mile detour into a little housing development then turning around and going straight up hill. That was just stupid.

If memory serves, someone took a spill down ramage rd last year that landed them in the hospital. Watch out for those potholes.

mr marvelous - a ton of people do this ride, you'll never be alone.

2011-05-10 22:29:36

You are correct, rob. My supervising physician is on call at a local hospital that day, so if you get hurt with an ortho problem, you will see me. So don't get hurt cause I don't wanna fix cyclists that have to sit out for a while.

2011-05-10 23:52:39

Thanks for the encouragement everyone I'm deffinatly doing the 60. BTW I can't believe I made my name mr marvelous on here lol.

2011-05-11 00:15:33

Hey all, first time pedal pittsburgh rider doing the 50 or 60. Given a choice between taking my commuter bike or my road bike w/ clipless pedals on this ride, which is wiser?

2011-05-11 01:08:20

What's your commuter bike set up like?

2011-05-11 01:14:44

Lighter bike would be my choice

2011-05-11 02:15:50

After seeing this - road bike

2011-05-11 02:20:29

switching pedals only takes a couple minutes...

anyways, i'd say probably road bike too.

2011-05-11 03:05:51

50 - 60 mi. - yeah, road. Loosen up those clips, though, esp for the early miles.

2011-05-11 12:27:18

It's pretty crowded at the start but thins out quickly. You are supposed to start on the S Side trail but there is nothing to stop you from taking Carson St to avoid the log jam.

Def take the lighter bike. Also, you won't regret the clipless pedals on the last 10 miles of uphill.

2011-05-11 12:34:42

@Pratt, does that mean the 35 mile is short too. I am thinking about taking my kid and if it's a little on the short side that would be a good thing!

2011-05-11 12:36:40

I don't know. I think we finished short by ending at OTB, we never went down to the finish line if it's where I think it is...the IC Amphitheater, or whatever it's called now.

2011-05-11 12:43:32

50 here, didn't feel like climbing Mt. Washington this year.

2011-05-11 13:23:58