It was march of dimes, and you're totally right. This might be better directed towards whatever contact there is for the pgh march of dimes, as well as the cdcp. Considering how far in advance pedal pittsburgh is planned, I'm assuming the former/the city is to blame.
Pedal Pittsburgh and other Charity Event Collide "311"
I posted the following 311 just now as I experienced unsafe conditions on the 15 mile route:
As a cyclist of Pedal Pittsburgh following the 15 mile route, it was unsafe in certain areas as Pedal Pittsburgh and another charity walk (March for Babies?) crossed paths. Along River Avenue and Penn Avenue, walkers were in the streets in car lanes. After crossing the 16th Street Bridge to make the right on Penn Avenue, no crossing guards were on duty. Walkers were crossing the street on red from the sidewalk of the 16th Street Bridge. This made for an unpleasant encounter as cyclist attempted to make the right on Penn Avenue on green. In areas where there were crossing guards, safe passage was obtained. It is my understanding that event routes are approved by the City. If this is the case, it seems to me that these routes needed better safety considerations.
I saw some of this while I was down there shopping (not participating). Hope everyone still had fun and stayed safe.
I did share my 311 concern with a CDCP contact. I didn't share it with the March of Dimes. I'm giving it some thought.
311 Response Web Form Submission Receipt
Your submission has been assigned ticket number: 17075
Here's what a CDCP representative had written to me.
"It is helpful if people complain to the City in addition to the complaint that they will definitely be getting from us."
Final Response from 311:
311 Response Web Form Reply Notification
The following reply has been made to Ticket ID #17075:
The City's Special Events Co-Ordinator responded to the complaint, stating the following:
"I have received other complaints about both events and obviously they cannot coexist in the future. I appreciate your input and will be meeting with both organizations for next year. They will not be held the same day in 2012.
Thank you."
Thank you for contacting our 311 Response Center.