The map link did not work, else I am not allowed on that site. I could not find the quote from the USDOT Secretary, but he has remarked about how State's and (especially) Cities are leading the way at identifying how to do projects that exhibit the "sustainability" and "livability" that the administration is talking about.
Keep in mind that MOVEPGH will be a 25-year plan of projects, policies, and design guidance that is meant to transform our spaghetti network into complete multimodal systems. That may require new relationships between old partners and even introduce some new ones into the mix. All projects require support such as funding and right of way, not to mention other variables. While we are not about to ignore funding challenges, we must still plan ahead to see what rights of way will be impacted if we are to make system-wide changes/shifts. So this corridor will continue to be addressed within a larger forum that does include the broader group of stakeholders Scott mentioned previously.
At this time I cannot respond to the specific suggestions that have been made here, but I will commend you all for taking time to discuss the issue from a number of perspectives. When we get into the planning process for MOVEPGH we will most likely be talking about how to relate the value of places like the Strip in terms of context and density, since they are important to the balance between land use and transportation. Additionally, factors like accessibility and how that is defined will be important for determining how projects/proposed improvements can be prioritized.
I ride in from Esplen on West Carson and then jump to the sidewalk just beneath the West End Bridge. That is ususally around 8:30, but some mornings I come in earlier. I use a strobe on the front. I also ride out Carson through the Rocks and climb hills through Kennedy, coming back on the flat smooth greatness of Neville Island. Maybe you saw me on the route.
I see more and more cyclists on West Carson St all the time. Some (definitely not all) drivers are also becoming more aware that they are sharing the road. I appreciate that.