oh, you're missing the best parts of the burbs by taking 376! I've spent almost a year trying to figure out that very question, and here's what I've got:
- ARB outbound to coal hollow. From coal hollow I'd take
- Right on Verona Rd to Saltsburg (just keep straight, Verona turns to the left). That's a long, painful hill, but you pass like a block from my house. Stay
- Straight on Saltsburg EITHER until you get to
- Right turn onto Hershey (just past a golf course) [or stay on until you get to Center/Monroeville Trestle (another straight, I skip it due to traffic and disantce)]. If you turned on Hershey, follow till it the end, then
- Left on Universal. Universal will very soon veer to the right at a nasty tiny hill/weird intersection, if you
-Stay Straight you'll be on Lott and headed up a hairpin turn with absolutely no shoulder or visibility. Cars go slow here (if they don't, they end up inside the houses) and respect me as a pedestrian pushing a bike up the hill (or cyclist braking her little heart out going down hill). I walk because of the visibility, and for the little rest. Regardless, up a hill, down the other side, pass a little pond and school bus depot, then
- Sharp Right at Old Logan Ferry. Follow it to the end, where you continue
- Straight onto Haymaker at another freaky tiny steep hill/weird intersection combination, where cars not turning are speeding (turning cars are waiting at stop signs), but everybody's so "oh my god, she's on a bike" that they let you do your thing. I act like a car here, take the lane and right of way when I get a clear patch.
Going straight through that mess will make you cross over Center/Monroeville Trestle (if you didn't turn on Hershey you'd be taking a lousy left at that intersection to catch up) and put you on Haymaker.
From there it should be pretty easy, you just go straight, under the highway, dance with the offramp (where your car exited 376), it turns into Mosside, and you're home sweet home. If there's a clearing, I turn on Northern Pike and come at Westinghouse from the front, if there's no clearing I either walk across the intersection as a pedestrian with the signals or keep going up the hill, and cross with the signals as a pedestrian to go in at the Forbes entrance. There are no guards at Westinghouse despite the ominous looking guard shack, nobody would give you grief for biking through there to get to Forbes if you felt like it, it's probably less harrowing than that horrid intersection at the school. I almost always take the Forbes exit to leave, so I can just go straight past Northern Pike.
From Verona Road where it turns in to Saltsburg, it takes me an hour. I'm neither leisurely not racing, I walk when I'm not comfortable either with the hill or the visibility, I obey all signs/signals, and I take my place in lines of traffic (I do not pass - the rare occasion that I do, I end up a pedestrian at the intersection, so I saved no time of mine). Very rarely do I get motorist grief, even angry people give me room when passing. Mostly LOVELY big shoulders to retreat to, which is why I'm hopeful for bike/ped lanes. I get the impression you're more hard core than I am, so you could probably do it in way less time.
Sometimes I wonder if there were more bikes around there, if I'd get more grief, because the shock would wear off.
Good luck in any case, it's a lovely ride!