In this case I wouldn't feel so bad being beaten by Cleveland. If their commute time is low, I would guess it is because the entire region has been sliced and diced by massive multi-lane highways, the downtown barely has a heartbeat, and what is left of the city exists in mostly in cancerous exurban nodes around highway interchanges. Pgh has largely escaped that fate.
Pgh Business Times article on commute times
Data shows Pittsburgh's commute not bad, but not great
We're about in the middle at #26. Rochester and Buffalo are #1 and 2; DC and NYC are at the bottom. Cleveland beat us (13), as did Portland (21).
It also mentions -- in the article's last line -- a new state website for alternative commuting,, which includes bicycling and transit.
2010-04-23 19:41:46
2010-04-23 20:34:17
This is one of the three most-emphasized links for biking on that PACommutes site, but PA bike routes are useless for commuting. Maybe BikePGH should offer them a link to the online map as something actually useful for that purpose, or the new statewide group could help them out?
2010-04-23 23:46:43