Just a heads up. I took the survey, and was instructed to skip a couple of questions, based on my reponse to another question. When I went to submit my form, it was not accepted, as I had missed a question or two. I went back and manually inserted "I was told to skip this question" in the "Other" box for the questions I was told not to answer, and the survey was accepted. I've informed Rebekah of the problem. Until she lets us know that the problem has been resolved, make sure your survey is counted by answering ALL questions -- even if you have to sort of fudge it the way I did.
Pgh. Cyclist Survey
Hello! I am conducting a research study of Pittsburgh's cycling community for my undergrad sociology seminar at Pitt. If you are over 18, ride a bike in Pittsburgh, and have 8 free minutes to fill out an anonymous survey I would really appreciate your help! Here is a link to more info and the survey: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pdZ1wJew2-3eeBrMsPzHGLA&hl=en
Thank you for your time!
2009-03-16 02:59:09
2009-03-16 16:09:52
Rebekah reports that she has solved this problem. Thanks, Rebekah!
2009-03-16 17:35:13