So, I trust that your bikes made it back with you?
Photos from my NYC trip
Wanted to share some observations from my trip to NYC.
Prospect Park is closed off to cars. All sorts of people take advantage of it.
Here I am riding on the Prospect Park West bike lane. It's too skinny an area to be two ways but serves the purpose of slowing down traffic.
Riding over the Brooklyn Bridge was crowded but it's great that they divide up the pathway. Most people stay on the correct side.
The west bikeway (hudson river greenway?) was rad. This section had a major detour so there was barely anyone on it but further on it was way more crowded. The bike way serves skate parks, ice rinks, sun bathing piers, basketball courts, etc.
Bike lanes on smaller side streets divide the street and keep the cars out of the way. Notice I said keeps the cars out of the way? They are always in the way. Traffic on Saturday was pretty easy to navigate though.
Like I said, the bike lanes keep the cars out of the way. Seriously. This traffic went on for about four blocks.
Outdoor life in the financial district.
Bike racks at the playground. Seems so obvious.
No one knows how to act around the bike lanes in Times Square. They will need to differentiate them more in the future. Not many cyclists bother with this area though.
Delivery cyclists do whatever they want. When the roads are this big it takes too long to go around the block.
The Times Square redesign is ugly but brilliant. Now that it's considered permanent hopefully they will get rid of the paint and do a nice block treatment. How did all of these people fit here before they closed the streets?
Here are all of the photos from the trip.
Yes. We ended up only riding around for fun on Saturday and walked/ trained everywhere else.
I like what they've done with the place.
How I wish Pittsburgh had bike lanes like NYC.
I got a bike map of NYC when i was there last month and it was with "50 new miles of bike lanes!" I might have mentioned that before. Loved it in NYC. Felt safe riding a bike there.
Great pics!
Thanks. I was disappointed by the lack of crazy fixie riders but all I really saw was delivery riders going the wrong way. Compared with the way people drive, the cyclists I encountered are really tame.
A fixie rider with the traffic habits of a NYC cabbie has a life expectancy similar to that of a crack addict in a war zone.
Great pictures! I am moving there in August, so I like hearing warm, fuzzy anecdotes about biking there.