The hole diameter worked with an eyelet, brake bolt, and qr skewer I tested.
I thought that interesting since the stuff is galvanized, dirt cheap, easy to work with, and absurdly strong in tension. It's also easy to turn into L shaped pieces and layer up with so I'm hoping that might allow you to create short runs of tolerable stiffness for very light duty applications.
I have to checkout clamps and brackets, and whatnot at some point, but the variety of pipe widths might make it possible to find close matches to bicycle tubing, and from there, who knows what ridiculous, fun, and maybe even useful things you might be able to do?
2016-02-09 09:53:43
I've used it for hanging pipes, with great success. :-)
I've also used it for temporary jigs and fixtures when welding or doing other assembly...emphasis on "temporary".
In my experience, it work-hardens and snaps fairly easily...I'd not recommend using it in any applications involving flexing or vibration.
It also deforms readily, so anything other than linear tension (pulling along its long axis) would best be avoided in my opinion.
I guess it depends on what you want to do...can be really useful in some applications, but I'd not want to rely on it in a moving context for cargo holding or anything where long-term structural integrity matters.
2016-02-09 10:34:21
The message board is really confusing these days. I can't figure out what @byogman means by pipe strap, there are so many types in the McMaster-Carr catalog, @stefb's apparently moved to an address that sounds like a really cool tag but I can't find it on the map, there's still all kinds of tension over idiot bicyclists even though we're in the middle of winter.
2016-02-09 11:15:19
2016-02-09 12:37:42
Honestly, I'd keep that away from my bike, but to each his own. It will rust pretty quickly, in spite of being galvanized, and it will want to break where it gets bent. When I'm using that stuff I never cut it, just crimp it and bend it back and forth. And it's going to scratch up your bike.
2016-02-09 13:27:01
"...there’s still all kinds of tension over idiot bicyclists even though we’re in the middle of winter." Not usually a glass-half-full kind of person, but I suppose that's a good sign!
2016-02-09 13:34:43
That stuff is strong under tension but quite fragile otherwise. Bending and tearing are pretty easy.
1/2" or 3/4" aluminum angle bar might be better for what you're thinking. Not as cheap though.
2016-02-09 18:05:05
hm. Not sure about the application here.
But for odd fastening needs on a bike I've found zip ties pretty useful. They're plastic and strong (and you can cut them off when you need to).
If you need a protected run (do you?) maybe a PVC pipe cut lengthwise. Yes, a pain and ugly. But that's why (some) god gave us the jigsaw.
2016-02-09 20:28:54