2014-09-18 12:18:15
Major kudos are in order. 1.4% to 2.2% is no minor achievement.
Will be very interested in seeing the number another year hence. Just based on comparing this summer to last based on what I see in the streets and in the bike storage facility at work, I'd wager we'll be looking at another solid mode-share increase.
2014-09-18 12:36:34
Do we really have the highest growth rate between 2000 and 2013? I think we do at 408.8%
When you go 1990 to 2013, we are surpassed only by Washington, DC at 498.5% and pittsburgh at 440.1%
We've still got lots of room to grow with a mode share of 2.2% (#11th place in the rankings based on mode share).
2014-09-18 12:44:19
I always considered myself a 1%'er, like a Pagan. Now what?
Seriously that is great news! Wish it was 10%.
2014-09-18 21:56:36
it will be a slow climb to 10%
unless the right celebrity joins us lol
2014-09-19 05:05:19
Well, yesterday morning while I was biking from 1st Ave T-stop to work on EFT I counted 23 bicyclists coming towards downtown (only one was not a commuter) in 15 minutes (08:28-08:43). And this was a cool morning -- around 50F. During warm days I counted usually more (and more people exercising).
2014-09-19 05:50:10
When is the next official bike count, @swalfoort?
2014-09-19 11:14:59
i'll be honest, i was shocked when i saw this. our walking rates also went up nearly a percent. sadly, our transit dropped a bunch and single occupancy went up as well.
2014-09-19 14:56:03
Making transit easier makes me more likely to use transit.
Once google maps supported Pittsburgh, I was like OMFG it's the FUTURE! Really, this was a HUGE leap. I could now figure out how to get anywhere at anytime by transit (or at least figure out if it was possible without memorizing a ton of routes and figuring out transit times).
Then they started rolling out real time services, and I'm going OMFG it's the FUTURE.
Now, I'm just waiting for the ability to pay for transit online and use that connect card (or apple pay?)
2014-09-22 12:46:40
serious. being able to pay, or even check what my connect card has on it online would be huge. i had a flat, and was afraid to use transit the other day because i only had a $20 and my connect card on me, and was afraid my connect card was dry.
2014-09-23 09:57:33
I was just in Singapore. Their transit cards flash your balance on the little screen, and even nag you when it starts to get low. The vending machines in the subway let you recharge cards. If we had machines at bus stops in high traffic areas (Oakland, etc) it might makes things convenient. I don't know if our cards carry user information (as opposed to just your credit) but it would be nice to do things on the web or on a smartphone.
2014-09-24 08:10:57
There are 64 TVMs where you can do that, and they could use 64 more.
2014-09-24 10:48:16
You can't load cash on a card that has not had cash loaded on it in a year, and was inactivated. Your only option is to buy a new card or go downtown to the PAT office to have them re-activate it. Pain in the ass.
2014-09-24 12:25:04 gives locations.
Even one in Oakland (at, um, a check cashing establishment).
2014-09-24 12:31:03
The stumbling block that I have with the connect cards not being able to be "filled" online remains that, my previous employment situation would pay for transit, however, a card could not be loaded from the office. I had to buy tickets, and have them mailed, for a slight additional fee, to the office. Not ideal. 70 year old people at flea markets can take online payments, for Gates sake, PAT can't. This is like, 1990 or something.
2014-09-24 13:53:48
Thursday, Sep 25th 2014, time 08:44am-8:56am, EFT from 1st st station and to parking and back to HMB. 13 bicyclists (including me), all commuters, all in helmets, 2 females (commuting in), 11 were going in, 2 were going out. 3 joggers (one lady pushing a stroller wit twins), one runner (female) -- going towards city real fast (estimated speed above 10 mph). Temperature was about 55F.
2014-09-27 09:37:53