My dad used to go on a monthly "get on a bike" ride when he went to Pitt back in the 60's...
Not a CM, but essentially the same concept.
so, i think we were pretty early in the critical mass "meme." CM just turned 16 in San Francisco, and i can remember going on some rides (although tiny) in like 1999 or so. back then we'd get 10 people and consider it a success, especially if we met someone new. it's amazing to see the difference in how cars treat group rides too. 10 people was hardly a mass, and i frequently go on rides of 10 people or more just going to see some music or leaving free ride, and drivers just seem to have adapted and don't really care.
my question tho is: Does anyone have any info about CM pre-1999ish?
I seem to remember the first time i saw it, in 1995 or 1996. i was in the dorms at pitt and looking down on fifth ave, and a small group of cyclists were en-masse, chanting something, taking a lane, and having a bunch of cars honking behind them. I didn't even ride a bike at that point, but i found myself still rooting for them.
I don't even really know if they called themselves CM, or were just a bunch of surly cyclists taking a lane.
needless to say, it had an impression on me and i'm hoping some of the vets could shed some light.
My dad used to go on a monthly "get on a bike" ride when he went to Pitt back in the 60's...
Not a CM, but essentially the same concept.
was it a group of cycling enthusiasts or was it a hippy type of thing?
I want to say the first time I did it was in 97 or 98. I think I remember Q and Justin C. on the ride, but can't really recall. Definitely had more than 10 people. Maybe around 30.
My dad was far from a hippy, more a geek who rode a bike because his family was poor and didn't have a car.
But Ill ask him about it next time I see him
I am thinking that it was the chesterfield punks/triangle guys. Danny manson / B rose. Old punk dudes who were messengers a long time ago