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Pittsburgh....friendly drivers?

According to this, the Burgh ranks among the cities with the friendliest drivers.

Thoughts...? I'm a bit skeptical, considering that Baltimore gets slammed for having unfriendly drivers and they're also ranked among the friendliest.

2009-06-16 22:14:57

I think that the friendly driver thing is bullshit. That's coming from an ex-New York Bike Messenger. I got hit by several cabs, rear-ended by a bus, and right-hooked by a cement truck in NYC, but no one in seven years of biking in New York threated me for riding on the street, or swerved at me like they do here. In Pittsburgh, I get verbally threated all the time, swerved at, deliberately/maliciously cut off and near-right-hooked.

My analysis: the Pittsburgh Left is cute and all, and maybe drivers are more friendly to other drivers. But, and this is key, Pittsburgh drivers don't expect cyclists and don't know how to react to them on city streets. This is the result of years of stupid car-centric urban planning, poor driver education and this fog-a-mirror-get-a-license DMV and DOT. Most unprepared drivers (suburbanites and sports fans) seem startled to see me on the street. Some translate that fear of the unknown to knuckle-headed threats and worse. Signs, paint, and better driver ed could fix this.

2009-06-16 22:51:02

drivers are more friendly to other drivers.

this. and don't kid yourself thinking they asked for cyclists' perspectives in this survey.

2009-06-17 06:45:04

Friendliness does not equal skill.

When we lived in the Boston area, I avoided driving at all costs. I hated the rudeness and aggression. But for the most part, Boston drivers are skilled and attentive behind the wheel. They just act like total jerks.

Pittsburgh drivers may be nice, but they're out to lunch.

2009-06-17 11:01:31

i didn't look at the methodology, but i'd assume that number of traffic citations are involved in the quantification somehow. considering cops never pull people over, i'd guess that not many citations are given compared to places that actually pull over people

2009-06-17 14:10:44

I agree with mmfranzen. I think most of the issues with drivers has to do with them not being aware of whats around them. It seems most drivers around here are just completely oblivious.

I think some of the lack of concentration has to do with these big vehicles that people presume to be safe. Also, I think the popularity of the automatic transmission and heavy sound deadening/insulation of the past several decades has also contributed to out society's shortage of attention-- it is too easy to space out in cars.

2009-06-17 15:07:18