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PNC Stadium "shortcut"

A few years back I heard (former Mayor) Tom Murphy talk about the "shortcut" along the river end of the stadium- he said that the agreement when they built the stadium was that it should be open as much as possible, and to "hold their feet to the fire" (his words).  I've been that way 3-4 times in this recent spell of nice weather, and it's been locked every time.  Now I understand that they have to close it under certain conditions, games being one, maintenance etc. being another, and maybe the latter is what has been going on- although, if so, there was nothing visible when I looked through the gate at either end.  So I wonder about other folks' experience with this- and whom to call to complain.  I know the stadium is owned by SEA  but I doubt anyone there will listen.  Rich Fitzgerald or my county council member?
2017-02-28 15:23:22
It is always closed. I've never seen it open.
2017-02-28 16:05:39
I heard Tom M. make the same statement.  My experience is that during the warm weather it usually is open "most" days that there isn't a home game, but of course there are plenty of exceptions that prove the rule.  But I haven't seen the gate open since the close of the baseball season, so maybe they can keep it closed in the off season (?). It would be nice to have the written agreement to know what exactly was agreed to.
2017-02-28 16:26:37
We're talking about the gated off area that is between PNC park and the trail (Though the trail is a lower level)?  I've  really only seen that open during games, and it is always staffed by people taking tickets, so I never knew it was supposed to be a public area.  The only other time I've seen it open has been during the spring when they are moving stuff around...  
2017-02-28 17:54:30
Through the magic of GPS traces, here's a list of dates where I biked through the PNC shortcut (one time, to get this photo: http://localhost/message-board/topic/tag-o-rama-4/page/9/#post-317004) 2014/10/17 2014/12/23 2015/3/27 2015/9/6 2015/10/27 2016/2/2 2016/2/6 2016/2/23 And here's a list of dates where I started to bike toward the gates but then turned away, almost certainly because the gates were closed. 2014/12/29 2015/2/8 2015/10/8 2015/11/6 2016/5/1 I think there were many more occasions when I couldn't get through, not listed here. Does anyone see a pattern? I don't. I agree: we should hold their feet to the fire: keep the gates open as much as possible!
2017-03-01 00:41:32
I have ridden through there numerous times over the years- even once last summer when there was a "game" going on with one team wearing pirates uniforms.  We think it was an adult summer camp kind of thing where you could dress up and play baseball in the stadium.  But it is never a given that it will be open.
2017-03-01 13:05:57
There's also a different (much smaller) metal gate built into the foundation blocks between the river trail and thr stadium. It's only about two doors width. It must lead into the stadium itself. Storage or whatnot. was biking two,weeks ago, and major security breach, it was just wide open   O_o
2017-03-02 09:38:50
That's wide open most of the spring, at least during the day. During February to April I'm surprised if I jog or ride by and it isn't open.
2017-03-02 10:07:56
Door was wide open today when I ran past it and on the way back I saw worker guys heading into there. I bet it is for maintenance and they leave it open during the day as they come and go.
2017-03-05 19:08:28