whatever contractor is responsible for this recent work here, in front of the convention center and in point state park along the allegheny deserves some major points. they did a swell job that needs commended n'at.
Point to Mon Warf open
I'm not sure how long this has been open, but yay!
I was just noticing how well those trees are doing from the bridge today. They must just love that silty rank Mon water.
Well, it's practically fertilized water, in that gross rank way. Suppose they gobble it right up!
so does this mean there is a road free stair free point to monwharf to jail trail?
Checking this out the other day, from the point side, there is still no practical way of getting to the Mon Wharf. So to answer a previous question, no, we're still going to have to wait for a cantilever bridge to connect the wharf to the point and a switchback ramp to connect Smithfield St. Bridge with the wharf.
The wharf and point do look nicely done nonetheless.
So what does it connect, if you can't get to/from point park or the jail trail?
Maybe there hidden connection like near the Fort Pitt museum to the wharf that I failed to locate, but I found for sure there is no connection right along the riverfront.
sidewalk from the point goes around 376 and then drops down a ramp into the back of the warf. they had it fenced off for a while but the fence is back down. just be careful of glass on the sidewalk and of exiting the ramp into parking lot traffic that isnt expecting you. also you still have to ride up the car exit ramp to ft pitt blvd to get out.
Also be aware that this area is frequented by homeless/street folks. I've never been bothered by anyone other than the usual got-a-buck so don't let that keep you from exploring. I just though a heads up was in order.
Is there any connection to this from the Mon Wharf parking lot or any way to get down there from Smithfield?
From Smithfield to the Mon Warf - head toward the Point on Fort Pitt Boulevard. Go one block, turn left into the parking ramp, down to the Warf. You have to travel a little road to get from the Smithfield Street Bridge to the Warf.
From the Point to the Mon Warf, use cburch's directions ^3 posts above.
Just took this from work around the Point. Mon Wharf looks good but the connection to the Point is a little rough. Alot of debris/dirt.
Still nice to take this around to the Convention Center trail out to the Cork Factory. Now, if we can only get this out to Highland Park!
That connection is ancient. And it hasn't been swept in years. There are a bunch of cool hidden things like staircases and sidewalks and skate spots around that part of the point. All sort of intertwined with the elevated highway and bridge structure.
This thread is confusing. There was supposed to be a new cantilevered connector from the Mon Wharf (note the spelling, not "Warf") to Point State Park, built this year. It seems like people are saying that this connector is now finished, that it's still not there, and that it's been there for years and needs cleaning.
Conclusion: If there's a new connector in there someplace, it desperately needs signage.
Steven, that bridge structure you're referring to is still in the planning stages I believe. Along with that project is a switchback ramp from the wharf to the Smithfield St. Bridge. However, in the interim it has been pointed out that you can get to the wharf from the ramp a block down from the bridge along Fort Pitt Blvd. and that there is an EXISTING but in rather shabby condition sidewalk/path connecting the one end of the wharf to the backside of the Fort Pitt Museum in Point State Park.
A functional connection between the point and Eliza Furnace Trail? Yes. Convenient? Not exactly.
Yeah, ditto what impala26 said - it's there, but still a little crude. That the connection exists is enough for me, it works.
Neat, thanks! Must go try it out.