You expect nothing less from the Keystone Cops?
Police searching for a group of 50-100 cyclists riding in the nude.
You'd think with a group that big they'd be easy to spot...
Maybe they're not visible to the naked eye
I've been searching all around town for nude bicyclists for decades and I haven't found any.
Typical media. What there was a couple of people that rode nude and they just fugue anyone in underwear is nude? Whatever.
i'm willing to bet that there were south side bar crowd regulars that had less clothing on
hunh... maybe we've been doing it all wrong. All this polite riding in traffic, working with city planning, advocating at public hearings...
What we really need to do is get nekked. THEN all of a sudden people actually care what we do, where we are, and SEE us.
The only thing the law restricts is visible genitalia -- but they do it in Philly, and the police are fine with it. I'd say we go with the tiniest thongs we can find, for starters.
On that ride that night, we had twice as much cloth on our collective bodies as we had on the swimsuit ride a year or so ago, and nobody said a word about that.
Is there gonna be another pool ride?
pool ride! do it!