just picked some up for my ipod. I don't wanna be the person that gets run over because I couldn't hear anything with my headphones in. They attach directly to the ipod, which connects to my handlebars via an armband. Haven't tried em', will let you know if they work. (I'm hoping the fact that they will be attached infront of me, facing me, will help me hear better)
portable speakers
anyone use 'em?
i got a cheap set from radio shack, put them on my bag, but they aren't very loud. pretty much can only hear them when there are no cars for blocks.
any suggestions?
Bicycle Joe has a set up where he has a fairing with speakers mounted on the handlebars. Works pretty well. Point the speakers, more or less, at your face. Seems like a good idea.
I tried riding with a "Bob Dylan" harmonica holderand a harp. NOT a good idea.
I'm not sure if Joe locks his bike up ever - he might take another bike if he's going to leave the bike somewhere.
Riding Tunnel Rd with Josh and his speakers was killer. Metal is good for climbing.
would speakers ruin the "ambiance" of the YRT trail?
brad, those are the speakers that i got, based on that ride, but they just arent that loud.
brad, those are the speakers that i got, based on that ride, but they just arent that loud..
@Erok Are you using an iPod? Do the speakers you bought have some sort of battery in them?
Not a lot of boost in an iPod. The other thing to check, did you set a volume limit in the iPod at some point? I spent so much time with my brain vibrating under a pair of Koss earphones in the 70s that I worry about my hearing. I have the iPod set so I can't turn it up all the way (a little lock appears when you reach the top of the scale). If so, changing that in settings might give you more volume.
Where's Tunnel Road?
it's not an ipod, just a cheap mp3 player. the speakers do take batteries.
tunnel rd is in Oakland, Ca and me and brad both happened to be there at the same time and went for a ride with a pittsburgh expat
Erok, I have been going thru the same problem myself. I have a cheap sony mp3 player and a 8 dollar set of battery powered speakers from the dollar store. The sound pretty much sucks. I did bring them on the YRT with me but could not really hear them while riding. They did work good when sitting at a campground or while fishing but what I am really looking for is something to use while riding. For sitting around I have found that making cones out of paper around your ear buds works as well if not better than the 8 dollar speakers.
Next I'm thinking of trying something like this
Or even this if you wanna spend a little more
Im procrataniting on packing for a quick overnight tomorrow on the GAP with the kids tomorrow, but Ill give a quick write up of what I used to use. and I can elaborate more later if anyone is interested.
I basically gutted an old pair of powered computer speakers. I took a piece of 1.5 in pvc pipe about 12 inches long. I then put a 90 degree elbow on each end and set the speakers inside there and ran the wires down into the middle and covered and secured the speakers with the metal mesh type covering that were originally on the speakers. I then took the "guts" with the on/off button and volume control and put that in a metal sucrets tin along with a 9 volt battery that powered them. I then drilled 3 holes about 1/2 inch in diameter along the 12 inch section. Im not sure why i did this, but it made it MUCH louder. I then used velcro straps to lash the whole system to the handlebars. I could control the volume based on what I was listening to and where I was riding as well as turn it on and off easily to conserve battery power. I also have an otter box with arm strap for my ipod so I just wore my ipd on my arm as the vibrations of being mounted to the bike scared me. and since the otterbox is waterproof, if it was raining I just stuck a grocery bag over the speakers for riding in the rain. It was a good system, but I kind of half-assed it together and the wiring sonnection stared to get touchy (ie over a bump they may go off and go back on the next bump) so I pulled them off to redo the, but just havent gotten around to it.
Ok, im getting hassled to get off the comp now, so if anyone wants more info let me know and illl try to elaborate.
ok, so I got this thing called an IKIT ($10 at rite aid), but it works on laptops, mp3s, ipods, cd playes, everything. It has a lot of stuff in the pack, like a splitter, headphones, and two kinds of speakers. The smaller speaker plugs directly into the headphone jack. I had the ipod attached to my handle bars with an armband strap. I went across the 10th street bridge sidewalk which is SUPER bumpy and I didn't have a problem with it falling or anything. decent sound quality, definatly loud enough. The only time I couldn't hear it so well was in the tunnel. pics up soon.
i've always just draped headphones around my neck if i want to hear music but not have them over my ears. works fine and they're loud. get a 15 dollar pair of over the ear headphones, you can use them as is or take them off the headband and mount em somehow.
the beast, did you end up doing the overnighter? i did an overnighter as well.
How far out did everyone go?
just to cedar creek. the new section of riverton bridge is amazing
ceder creek is such a nice place.
Ya, my brother cancelled on me friday night, so the boys and I decided to go it alone. I was planning to go ohiopyle to rockwood, but i got a flat and we were slow getting to connelsville, so we just camped at the outflow.