Post cool bike t-shirt designs here
2010-03-02 18:07:49
2010-03-02 18:43:38
2010-03-02 19:19:20
2010-03-02 22:49:29
I bought a T-shirt similar to this one in Groningen, the Netherlands. The roadie on the right is changed into a girl on a Dutch Oma bike, though.
2010-03-03 10:58:49
I want an I "bike" PGH mini license plate for my brooks saddle really bad.
2010-03-03 17:25:35
Ooh, I like that idea - seems like the right Bikepgh sticker on one of those kid's mini plates would do.
2010-03-03 17:59:42
I want to get glow in the dark 'truck balls' for mine
2010-03-03 19:41:05
"I want to get glow in the dark 'truck balls' for mine"
2010-03-03 19:48:06
Ha ha.
2010-03-04 14:50:12
Whenever I see those hanging from a truck I want to leave a note:
If the balls make your truck a surrogate penis, what does that make you when you come out of the front end?"
2010-03-05 17:41:15
@helen s: Thanks. I just got back from lunch (fried fish with tartar sauce), and really appreciated that image.
2010-03-05 18:34:14