Can anyone give me information about the proposed bike path connecting Greenfield with Hazlewood on Sylvan Avenue?
2020-09-08 18:41:32
I've never seen a real proposal. If one actually exists, I too would be interested. Right now I think it is best described as just a good idea that people have wished for.
2020-09-10 13:49:22
I biked & walked it a few weeks ago. It is muddy in places (not just puddles but marshy) or thick with 8-foot tall Japanese Knotweed that you need to push your way through. In other places it is bikeable. It's probably much more pleasant to walk or bike in the winter. To make this into a bike trail or shuttle road (another idea that's been discussed), careful attention to drainage would be necessary, to channel the water away from the path.
2020-09-10 22:12:09
Thanks for the reply. I ask because I had a conversation with a Peoples Gas man checking on utilities who told me about the pending bike path. He thought it would come up the hill at the paper street at Noah on to Tasso to connect with Hammer Field. In the other direction, it would connect to Gladstone and go into Hazlewood. With development of Hazlewood Green, this would make sense.
2020-09-11 06:51:44
It's now being shown as Phase 2 of the "Mon-Oakland Mobility Project." Click on the link to the presentation from
this page and you will see.
I hope that they can make this happen. I used to live in Greenfield and always thought it would be nice to turn this existing road bed into a bike tail, especially if it could be connected to the bike trial network in a way that make sense. As noted by Paul, there would have to be significant drainage upgrades to make it work.
2020-09-14 12:28:35