thanks caitlin.
Public Hearing on Bike Parking Ordnance Sept 1!
So you may already know about this if you see the bike-pgh home page and follow along, but I wanted to make a thread for the message board-only type folk....
This is an important meeting to attend if you have ever ridden to a new business (or old one!) and struggled to find a spot to securely lock your bike. It is held during the work day, but you can still send testimony to City Planning about it--just visit the bike-pgh home page and send one in.
Tuesday, Sept 1, 2:00 pm
John P. Robin Civic Building, 1st Floor
200 Ross Street, Pittsburgh PA
ive nearly left several places this month alone because i couldnt find a damn bike lock up place. then again i kinda dont like parking on stop signs... other signs are okay but stop signs... no.
As I am between jobs at the moment, I will try to get to this.
caitlin, my preference is to find a "No Bicycle Riding In Parking Lot" sign and tie up there. *snicker*
Seriously, though, this ties in with what we've been trying to get across to Port Authority: That they (city, PAT, employers, whoever, wherever) need to provide A LOT more bike parking in the city. Like an order of magnitude more.
if you want to know, there is a sign like that on the north side, i think across from max's, in the parking lot of the church. it also says something like NO PLAYING
Never again:
i didn't set this shot up. it's pretty commonplace on the weekends, and there were more bikes around back, seemingly employee's bikes
Not that I dont think the place with the mediocre german style beer should have bike parking, but there are 3 parking garages within maybe 300 yards that all have parking.
I do wish REI would get rid of that new rack they got tho, that thing is terrible.
I wasn't anticipating an explosive meeting.
it won't be explosive
meetings like this are fun you should come.
put some photos up of all the bikes at three rivers arts fest without racks.
It's amazing to me that any new business along these trails of ours wouldn't think to install a bike rack or two.
I have on that I took outside of Bettis Grill. At least 12 bikes locked up to various metal, no racks.
Can we come up with a solid number of the number of bike tie-ups we would need, Downtown and elsewhere in the city? SWAG for starters: 1,000 for Downtown, maybe 250 each in SSideFlats, Forbes/Craig area, Forbes/Atwood area, 21st/Penn area, Lawrenceville, Bloomfield, Forbes/Murray, and a few more areas. Maybe double that. Maybe 250 in PtStPk alone.
Do we have reliable estimates?
I'd also like to see security addressed as part of this. I'd like not to have to haul around a boat anchor chain everyplace I go.
it was a joke. never explain...
on-topic -- I was disappointed to see the city had removed the bike rack from the steps of the city-county building a few months back. It was one of my favorites: covered and in plain view of a security camera.
yeah, they took that out for some event, then never put it back.
stu, you should read the proposed draft if you haven't yet.
this isn't supposed to be an all encompassing neighborhood rack program. it is merely writing the page to the zoning code so that new and renovated buildings would need to install racks. there's recommendations on where they should be placed as well
I didn't see how extensive a renovation must be to trigger this provision. Maybe it's in another part of the zoning code.
i believe, and i could be wrong, but if it's a change in use. for instance, if it goes from an office to a retail establishment.
RE: your photo in front of BST3... It still looks exactly like that, every single day.. only with a bike rack full of bikes in the background. The rack fills up by 9am, and people still lock to the trees. I don't even bother, and lock up 8 blocks away.
The folks here didn't even reply to my request for additional parking. *shrug*
out of curiosity, who wil enforce this in city planning, stephen? is he full time not a contract paid employee who can enforce? becauase the urban forester in planning is techinically contracted and grant funded, so she can;t enforce/cite people, and it sucks in some situations. i mean all plans for buildings go through there, but some things just don't happen (ie the new tree pits in bakery square are not up to city code...)
just wonderin'
Steel Plaza needs a bike rack too. 12 bikes parked there on Friday afternoon, all attached to trees/furniture along Grant between Sixth and Seventh.
i believe that planning would need to approve any plans, and then BBI would be there to enforce.
oh, the BBI. I'll with hold my jokes.
Turns out i am not going to make this in person, but I will be sure to send on the testimony in written form... can i still do that?
i don't see why not
now it needs to go to council
Excellent work!
Maybe I should wait for it to fully pass to say this, but I love the little "trojan horse" aspect that lets developers "cheat the system" - by building more bike parking. I expect to get a good laugh at an angry letter to the editor about that someday!
Some testified that the ordinance can make it easier for development because many older building in the city are so densely packed that they physically cannot include the required automobile parking without obtaining a variance, thus making them difficult or unable to be developed. Installing bicycle parking spaces in lieu of automobile parking spaces can actually make it easier, and cheaper for a developer.
Woo! Great that it passed unanimously. I will send my councilperson an extra note reminding them to support passage of this ordinance when it gets to that stage of the game.
Really, if this meeting is any indication, I just don't see too many people opposing this law except wackos with nothing better to do. It's a modest proposal that will make a world of a difference.
Well done.
It was really incredible to be at this hearing and see the support for the ordinance and then watch it pass unanimously!
Some of the panel members were as enthusiastic as the community members.
Nicely done, and very encouraging too! Maybe the future of bike parking in Pittsburgh will look very different someday...
hey, this will be going to council soon. the date still isn't set.
anyway, feel free to email council about it using this handy dandy form:
If you live/work in District 7, tell Councilman Dowd (or his staff) directly at the Council to Go session on 28 October at Morning Glory in Morningside.
have you been to one of those? what a good idea
Looks like a council vote is forthcoming:
so this is coming up to city council on feb 9. i'll post more details soon.
in the meantime, kqv has a poll about it today. go on there and vote yes!
ha ha. we went from 70% against and 30% for to just about 50/50 in about an hour. it went from 505 votes to 983 votes in that time
and the cyclists take the lead. only 10 minutes left to cast your vote!
I thought the thing was broken, but I guess it cuts you off after you vote 8 times. Odd.
Looks like the online version went 58/42 yes. Haven't had the radio on to find out the phone-in version's results.
yeah, heard it on the radio. the phone in had about 100 votes, 30% yes 70% no.
the online had about 1300 votes; 57% yes, 43% no.
i heard the dj mention it. it kinda ruled in a weird way.
Wow, you mean people who are probably listening in their cars are more retrograde and are opposed to it, and people who get their information from the internet are more progressive, and for it? There's a stunner.
man, way to be a bummer
hearing the slight disappointment in the dj's voice when he had to announce that people voted in favor of it was good enough for me. plus, the trib gets to post the results today
Uggh, as amusing as it might be, I don't think I have the stomach to visit the cesspool that is the Trib to see how they carry this.
Being a long-time listener of KQV (since the '80s), it's no secret that the phone poll response usually has a right-wing skew, especially on the telephone side, with the online side a little less so. The Trib does little more than print the numbers.
Side note (you may know this already, but...): Prior to KQV going to an all-news format in 1975, they had a DJ who went by the name of Jeff Christy. He now goes by the name of Rush Limbaugh.
maybe this should be it's own thread, but i wanted to continue the dialogue. there is a public hearing in council chambers on tuesday feb 9 about this.
Public Hearing on Bike Parking Ordinance
Tuesday February 9
1:30 – 2:30 PM
City Council Chambers
5th Floor City-County Building
It would be great for people to show up to this to support it. if you want to speak, you need to call ahead of time to reserve your spot. more info here:
Any recommendations on how those of us who (a) are not city residents, and/or (b) can't make it to the hearing, can contribute to this?
Is the hearing tomorrow still going down, considering all the snow craziness the city is dealing with right now?
I called and she said there is talk of canceling it-it's up to council prez. She said that if you signed up to speak, she'll call you back.
if you do call to sign up, they also ask you if you are for or against, so it might be good to sign up anyway, and say that you couldn't make it cause of the weather.
I'll keep yinz updated
Just got the phone call.
It will be rescheduled to a later date TBD
City Council Passed this UNANIMOUSLY!!!!!!
More info/news soon
ps. good work everyone who emailed/called council and showed up to public meetings
ps. good work everyone who emailed/called council and showed up to public meetings
Great news!
So rad! I'm so glad this happened. I'm so glad all the hype about this, e-mails to the city, etc. paid off. Ya'll WORKED IT.
Anyone know if it takes effect immediately? I suppose developers will phase this into their plans gradually anyway, but it'll be great to note the improvements as they occur, especially with older properties in crowded neighborhoods.
well, officially the mayor has to sign something, which we expect him to do as it technically came from his office.
then it's law.
so, what should happen is that after that, when a developer submits their plans to zoning for approval, zoning will say, you need to put in some bike racks. see section blah blah for details
here's a blog post about today's Council meeting: