Puma Bikes?
Anyone know anything about puma bikes? Apparently they have a groupon-like deal going for any of their bikes. I think it might be through something called dailycandy, but I might have that wrong.
I had never heard of a Puma bike until someone mentioned the special to me. Anyone else know anything?
Hm. High BS quotient (I really don't expect anyone's bikes to "transform the urban landscape"), but the shaft drive is kind of interesting.
None of the Puma ones appear to have a shaft drive: http://deals.dailycandy.com/deal/1548/pumabikes-74-percent-off/everywhere
Maybe it is an option, I can't tell since their website is down for the count.
They also all seem to have horrible paint jobs.
I hope their bikes work better than their (currently down) website
Also makes me think of The Puma Man