Saw the Yellow Submarine bike on Craigslist. Glad it went to a good home!
Rare Bowden bicycle makes it to pittsburgh
Pittsburgs bike Museum finds a rare Bicycle a Bowden Spacelander one of 37 or so,,most bike Museums dont have even one Bowden bike and they are a collectors dream to have even one.Bicycle heaven bike Museum has 13 of them now.The bike was found two years ago in a scrap yard and bought for only 8.00 it was listed on ebay a few weeks back and Bicycle Heaven bought it for 2500.00,,its in bad shape for now but we will rebuild it.You can see it at the Museum,,this was a great week for the Museum as we found a near mint 1982 mountain bike, the Bowden ,and a mint Beatles Yellow Submarian bike thats a very rare in and super nice condition,,see the photos on facebook look up craig morrow or bicycle heaven i thought some of you may like the photos