Non-transit transportation funds made available under the ARRA (Stimulus Act) will flow through PennDOT. Pennsylvania will receive $1.026 billion. Of that amount, approx. 3 percent, or $30 million will be allocated for use for Transportation Enhancement projects. That money is likely to be divvied up at the State level, for the most part.
In the case of Southwestern Pennsylvania, some trail projects may be funded as a result of a request by local representatives to use stimulus money to fund important trail/TE projects. It is uncertain at this time whether those locally identified projects will be taken from the $30 million, or from the general regional allocation (the highway/bridge pot of funds).
A list of the transportation projects to be funded under the ARRA/Stimulus will be available on the SPC website ( sometime this week (by February 27th).
Late this week, a 30 day public comment period on the ARRA/Stimulus program will begin. It will close on March 27th. More information will be available in the PG/New Pittsburgh Courier/SPC website on Wednesday, February 25th.
As noted earlier, the ARRA Act requires that projects funded over this program be truly "ready to go" with "disincentives" for projects not ready to go in 120 days, and "discouragement" of projects not ready to go in one year. Ready to go means everything in place -- right of way, environmental clearance, final design, reimbursable agreements with PennDOT, etc.
Look for more information to be available early this coming week at the local level, and in coming weeks at the State (TE) level.
On a somewhat related note, PennDOT has told me that there should be movement on the PCTI/Smart Transportation grant applications sometime in the next week or so as well. These were applications for "green, sustainable, visionary" projects that were solicited by PennDOT for $60 million in State funding last December. Approximately half of the 385 projects submitted Statewide were for TE type projects. If that is true, there are about 40 candidate ped/bike/trail/streetscape type applications from southwestern pennsylvania.
In relative terms, Stimulus money and PCTI money has to go through the same hoops as TE money (sorry folks). But, at present at least, Stimulus money is 100 percent federal funds -- no local match required.
The next meeting of the SPC Ped/Bike Committee had to be rescheduled, but I'll have a new date for you in the next couple of dates. I'll post it here. It's an open meeting. If you have ideas you want to share, feel free to attend.