With a sturdy mount and an interface to a clock, you could make a fairly efficient alarm clock.
2010-01-08 17:19:44
between the homemade flame thrower in bed and the pillow against the space heater, this guy seems like a fire safety expert
2010-01-08 17:54:57
I'd venture to guess that, if your first thought to cope with a mosquito problem is not "mosquito netting" or "bug repellent" but "napalm", fire safety is not high on your list of priorities.
However, he has lots of hair and both eyebrows, so I suspect it's staged for ironic effect.
2010-01-08 18:09:59
Ah, but think of how satisfying a method this is of dealing with a particularly pesky mosquito. Sure, you can hide under a net but wouldn't you really rather fix the problem for good?
@Joe it could also an excellent tool for snoozing your alarm clock..expensive, but effective.
2010-01-08 19:52:43