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Are there any recumbent riders out there interested in doing some group rides?
Huh? Whazzat?
There's a few of us floating around...there's a low-traffic (okay, almost no-traffic) Google group for 'Burgh-area 'bentistas.
I do mostly on-road distance stuff; what kind of riding are you interested in?
You mean there are more?????
Well...I am a long time commuter on a DF who got into bents before Xmas. Since then I have been sheepishly riding solo. What kind of distance you talking? I am up for anything the knees will stand.
Yes, believe it or not, You Are Not Alone.
I commute daily from Brighton Heights to South Side. Weekends, usually alternate between 50-65 miles and 100+ miles. Not fast, just persistent. (I do take a sick pride in climbing hills that appear "recumbent-unfriendly", so be warned...)
Feel free to PM me, or mail dan.blumenfeld at gmail.
For other options, hit the Google group, and maybe talk to Kraynick on Penn in Garfield, as he knows just about everybody.
Welcome to the fold, brother.
Yes, believe it or not, You Are Not Alone.
this made me shoot coffee out of my nose