I finally finished refurbing my commuter bike and now have a pile of junk (chain ring, chain, cassette, rotor, pads, cables, etc) that I need to get rid of. None of this stuff is reusable, so dumping it off at say FreeRide doesn't make sense (see below for what I mean).
My current plan is to take the stuff to Construction Junction. But I can think of other possibilities. From the city trash center at Dallas & Hamilton to that junk metal yard under the Glenwood bridge. Any suggestions?
For some reason ProBike in SqHill comes up in a search. But I know from people who work there that they just toss stuff in the trash.
[Yes, I've been a bad, bad bicyclist and failed to deal with stuff when I should have (other than snapped chains and bare brake pads). And let's not talk about the rest of my life.
But at least I finally got to take a bike apart again, something I hadn't done for, literally, decades. Lots has changed from the days when 10-speed meant a 2x5 setup... it was interesting. (And those Park Tool YouTubes featuring Calvin are really useful.)]