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Reminder - Flock All Night - Friday Night

Hope Nick doesn't mind me stealing his thunder, but while I'm thinking about it, here's a reminder for those without Facebook. Flock of Cycles - Flock All Night

Friday, Nov 12 @10PM

Meet at Dippy the Dino (4100 Forbes Ave)

2010-11-11 14:35:28

Thanks Shawn. I always forget to post Flock rides on here.

2010-11-11 19:45:24

No guarantees, but I might just make this, for once.

2010-11-11 23:56:43

can we try to hit all of the streets with the new bike stuff on them?

2010-11-13 01:14:02

This was a lot of fun! It's the first night ride I've gone on. Well, yes, a couple of rides have started in daylight and ended in the dark, but this was the first I've been on that started well after dark.

One really good reason to go on these rides is to see what other riders employ for night visibility. I stayed toward the back of the pack and took notes. I'm relieved to know that I'm using a setup that seems to work well on other riders.

Jane, it was also fun to try out the tall bike! Thanks for the opportunity!

2010-11-13 17:21:30