Hey all, This may sound a bit odd.
I'm an ER doc and do occasional education for paramedics. A recent discussion on beginner triathlete (a tri forum), revealed an accident (with a good ending) where a cyclist was wearing her Road ID ankle bracelet, had her cellphone and wallet (id/insurance) in her rear jersey pockets. She had an accident while cycling alone, a bypasser called 911 and EMS responded as usual. They stabilized her cspine, cut off her clothing to assess for injuries & set them aside, took vital signs and transported her to the hospital as a Jane Doe.
They didn't find the road ID (on her ankle) nor the wallet & phone because they didn't realize that cycling jerseys had rear pockets, and vital signs are checked for on the arm, missing the ankle bracelet.
So I'd like to put together a presentation for Pittsburgh EMS (the ones who might be picking you up if you hvae an accident) for cycling awareness and where to look for ID.
So I'm looking for any photos you may have of bicycle accidents showing blood & gore (paramedics love that stuff), especially if it shows cycling clothing cut off in an EMS response to an accident, or EMS responding to a bike accident, checking vital signs, putting a cyclist on a board and collar, etc.
I know most of you probalby aren't thinking of taking photos at a time like that, but if you got em, send em my way please if you don't mind them being used for educational purposes. Please title the email "Biking/EMS Photo".
Suzanne Atkinson, MD