As many of you know, we did what is called a bike cordon count of downtown last week. With the help of our AMAZING volunteers, we stationed a person at every significant, bikeable entry point into downtown Pittsburgh for the downtown rush hour.
Between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. almost 900 (actually 882) cyclists crossed the cordon.
This was a on a pleasant Wednesday morning in June.
I admit that while part of me was hoping we'd hit 4 digit numbers, I find 882 to be a pretty impressive number. And that is only the number of cyclists who crossed into downtown during the two hour count. That does not include people like Stef who were at work earlier than 7, or like the DU student I talked to who came in after 9 because summer classes don't start until noon, or 1 p.m. Not does it include anyone whose path did not include downtown on that given morning.
We hope to be able to do another cordon survey (or two) this summer. I'd definitely like to try to do one for Oakland, and maybe the Southside as well.
None of this would have been possible without the help of Dave, Robin, Patrick, Bob, Jerry, Donna, Jared, Jack, Alyssa and Dan. Thank you all for so generaously donating a part of your day to this project!
2013-06-10 14:09:33
wow, great to know. thanks sara!
2013-06-10 14:41:38
...or those who work overnight and are leaving at 7am
...or those who mount a bike on the front of a bus
...or those who came in with their bike on the T
...or those who already live downtown and bike to work
This is not to denigrate the hard work of all involved. Quite the opposite! Just pointing out that the number of cyclists in town is an underestimate, and may well have hit four digits.
2013-06-10 16:30:14